Monday, Jan 04, 2010 at 12:07
Thanks for the
feedback. I used a Trojan 130ah wet cell deep cycle battery. It lasted around 2 years. It is mounted in the engine bay and would need the water topped up constantly (I assume because of the exposure to high temperatures).
For this reason I'm looking at a maintenance free battery. Also, I need a battery that can recharge faster than a wet cell. Size isn't an issue. I can accommodate a battery up to 380mm L x 180mm W x 290 H.
I think the Crown Supreme 130ah battery I put in my original post may be a wet cell. If so, that's a mistake on my behalf.
You mention design life of batteries. How do you find out that info? All batteries I looked at mention a life of around 8 years at the most let alone 10/15/20 years.
And KK, you are right about warranty. I will ensure I get it from a distributor in
my home town.
Cheers for the
feedback everyone.