Monday, Jan 04, 2010 at 17:55
Having used the safety seal plugs for years when I was a mechanic. And found all sorts of items including knifes, forks, pens, syringe needles, nails, screws, bolts, wood, steel reo bars, and many other items that defied description.
What ive found is this.
Firstly, finding the angle of the offending item is important.
Secondly, very rarely did I use the tool to "clean" the hole
vaseline works fine for lube if needed.
Have done tread/ sidewall etc, including one that we did for "research purposes" that had 5 plugs in it, and held back to where the tyre could be disposed of.
When the tyre is soft, and low on pressure, its alot harder to fit the seal than if its near full pressure, and the escaping air helps in cleaning out the debrits from the hole anyway.
And what has been suggested before is also good advice.
hope this helps.