Submitted: Thursday, Jan 07, 2010 at 22:09
This Thread has been Archived
I thought this was natural justice.
Last year one of my mates was overtaken in the heavy corrugations out near
Dalhousie Springs by a convoy of 4x4s. He was in his GQ TI Patrol towing a camper trailer & making pretty slow progress. He likes to take care of his gear so he was driving to suit the conditions. This TI is in mint condition.
The convoy of wagons that passed him looked like they had just come out of a 4x4 accessories magazine & all had 2 spares mounted on the after market rear carriers plus all the other trinkets dangling off them.
Next time he bumps into them he notices one of them doesn't have his spares on the back any more & asks if they have had a few flats.
Turns out they had fallen off on the corrugation & were gone for ever.
They never had a clue until they stopped & saw them gone.
I was told this in a conversation that was about rat bags lurching out of your dust , flogging their cars & plastering you with stones in order to overtake.
I have always maintained that the more you have on the outside of your car, the more you have to fall off.
Reply By: Crackles - Thursday, Jan 07, 2010 at 23:16
Thursday, Jan 07, 2010 at 23:16
From my observations the number 1 reason "rat bags" make wild overtaking manuvers is the car "making pretty slow progress" wont pull over. In fact more often than not they are totally oblivious to all who are behind them. Just as it's courteous to slow down when passing, so it is that slow cars should pull over to the side when possible to allow faster cars through, then in many cases they wouldn't be plastered with stones ;-)
Cheers Craig.............
Follow Up By: Outnabout.. - Thursday, Jan 07, 2010 at 23:48
Thursday, Jan 07, 2010 at 23:48
Spot on there Craig same thing as people who don't let the truckies pass when sitting on 90 or less. No wonder the truckies hate anyone towing. I always give a call out to get them to let me know when they want to pass and wait until they are on the outside and then back off a little. Never had anyone complain to me. Oh and happy new year to you ,Kirsten and the girls. We will have to catch up again in the future.
Follow Up By: Shaker - Thursday, Jan 07, 2010 at 23:50
Thursday, Jan 07, 2010 at 23:50
So are you saying Truckies never hold anybody up?
Follow Up By: Outnabout.. - Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 00:09
Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 00:09
No I am not but they are out there doing their job and usually driving at the speed limit . If I am sitting behind one when in a hurry I usually sit on the speed limit for a while a fair way behind then strike up a conversation and the let them know I am coming through. Never had an agro driver in all the
miles I have done. I am usually on holiday so I can be patient...makes the drive a whole lot more enjoyable. The drivers are usually pretty good and let you know when it is safe to pass but of course if you tailgate them and pull out then in there is no way they will help you out. Think about it if I drive up and tailgate you are you going to help me out. Chances are you will just apply the brakes or slow down ever so little just to annoy. Thats the human element in all this.
Follow Up By: Snowy 3.0iTD - Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 08:20
Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 08:20
I have to agree with Craig on this one. If the faster vehicles showed a bit of coutesy about when, where and how they overtake, and the slower vehicles actually gave way to faster vehicles the roads would be a much happier place. I've been on both sides towing heavy trailers going slower, and needing to get somewhere without wasting time. I find it almost comical when you see a caravan doing 70-80 in 110 zone with a great string of irate vehicles behind while they are totally oblivious driving along in their own little world.
Follow Up By: Crackles - Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 12:00
Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 12:00
If I've learnt anything from my trips to the outback it's that no matter how fast you go there is always someone driving quicker & if you try to impose your speed upon them by not making room to get around then they will only treat that as a challenge & pass anyway most likely at a less appropiate time. Quite often it's not just the tourists in a hurry but the locals. It must frustrate them no end getting around holiday makers driving like Miss Daisy. On my last trip I even had a 2wd Hyundai overtake me at 110kph on a rough road out to Blackstone.
Black Betty, yes we will have to catch up but with no lcool trips of late the opportunities have been few :-(
Cheers Craig.....................
Follow Up By: AlanTH - Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 14:14
Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 14:14
I usually travel at around 90+ a bit with a camper in tow and if I see trucks coming up behind I'll tell them I'll pullover asap and that I'll brake if necessary so they can continue with their manouver and get past safely. Never had a truckie complain about that and got plenty of "Thanks mate" when he's past.
Agree with the person who said most towers seem to have no idea anyones behind them. We saw a triple road train stuck in the middle of around 18 or so caravans doing the WA wildflower run last year.
He was obviously not happy from his comments to a mate over the radio as the oldies had no intention of leaving a decent gap between each other or pulling over and letting him past and even worse they were only travelling at about 60 kph!
We gave him a cheery wave but I don't think he was in the mood to appreciate it.
Reply By: Hairs & Fysh (NSW) - Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 07:46
Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 07:46
Hey Guys,
Lets just ignoer the fact that the 'Rat Bag element' is getting bigger.
Some one is always going to be traveling slower what your traveling at.
Then again it doesn't matter what speed we sit on these days, someone just has to overtake.
I can be cruising along on the open road, towing our camper,
well above the speed limit, say 115km/h and a group of 4wd/cars will overtake on double white lines. ??? what gives there? and just around the corner there will be a straight plenty long enough for all to overtake.
It's been talked about here a few times that some of the
tag along tours are on a time table AND MUST be at the next point at a set time. So to achieve this they MUST drive like lunatics to get there.
Hey Fatso, It's the me generation at it again. It's all about me. Screw you Jack.
BTW Karma is a good friend these days. :)
While traveling
home from
St George down the range from
Toowoomba to Esk, Three 4wd's were behind me, no where to pull over. I notice a group of about 14 or so motorcycles that had overtaken them, I finally get the chance to pull over, all the bike riders and their passengers wave and give the thumbs up. The 4WDers blow their horns and give us the one fingered salute and yell abuse. Explain that to ya kids, 'Why are they yelling at you Dad?'
We get down to Esk, they're pulled over with the bonnet up on one of the 4by's. I mention to Fysh, 'There's my mate Karma helping them out' :)
Hi Outnabout.. , nothing wrong with what your doing, that's the way to go about it IMO. Talk to other drivers, let them know what you doing or planning to do.
If I'm holding up a truck I'll let them know that I will move over the first chance I get. You know? 99% of the trucks don't have a problem.
Follow Up By: Member - Josh (TAS) - Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 08:31
Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 08:31
When we first came to Tassie we come across an accident were mum, dad and 2 kids were killed. There was a truck with 3 cars behind it. The road was narrow with no real spot to pull over. The car at the back decided he could pass them all over double lines. He got caught beside the truck on a blind corner and hit a car coming the other way head on, killing the 4 occupants. 200 mtrs around the corner was an over taking lane. 30 secs of patience would have saved everyones life.
My parents went into lake eyre a while ago and took it slow as the track was corrugated. Car after car flew past them covering them in dust/stones. Dad past nearly every car down the road a bit pulled over changing tyres or with a busted shocks. He just smiled nicely gave them a knowing wave and kept going. They never had a flat or any damage and they were driving an old 60 series. I bet they saw heaps more to going slowly, they often pulled over to look at lizards or snakes that the others flews past at 100 mile an hour.
Follow Up By: Hairs & Fysh (NSW) - Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 18:56
Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 18:56
Hi Josh,
A good mate went to the Cape way a couple of years back. He said the amount of vehicles on the side of the road broken, trailers busted up was amazing.
I've never been there, He reckons it was speed. They were traveling to fast for the road/track conditions.
Anyway, Hope you guys are having a good new yearr,
We're enjoying your site.
Reply By: kiwicol1 - Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 09:05
Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 09:05
Hi, All my travelling on dirt roads, its never ceased to amase me the amount of vehicles not fitted with UHF radios. The speed difference between 2 vehicles may only be 5-10 ks. Having that communication link solves all the hasssels mentioned above. I also think it should be compulsery to have one fitted when towing caravans, this would also eleminate dramas caravans have on the truckies. Col
Follow Up By: Shaker - Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 19:03
Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 19:03
The trouble is you can't leave your UHF on because of all the bogan foul language!
Follow Up By: kiwicol1 - Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 20:35
Friday, Jan 08, 2010 at 20:35
Have to disagree to agree, yes in the city, totally agree language is a problem, but once out on the highway or the out back, i have never found this to be an issue, yes maybe an f word slips in, but never enough to switch of the unit for the sake of safety in all the situations stated above. I am a B double trucky, so have to deal with all sorts of situations, that most decent highway drivers could never imagine.
Have travelled the
Gibb River Highway, towing a camper trailer, cruising at a comfortable speed for my set up of vehicle and camper, and many times came up behind vehicles not equipped for the conditions which they are travelling on, and i have had no way of contacting them, then another vehicle catches up behind me, and so on, soon a convoy starts and the only person with out communication is the guy in front oblivious to all the vehicles behind. A disaster waiting to happen from approaching vehicles, not knowing that there may be 3,4,5 vehicles travelling in the dust, and i hope this is not because the vehicle in front has their UHF turned off because they fear the f word.
Follow Up By: Member - Flynnie (NSW) - Saturday, Jan 09, 2010 at 02:39
Saturday, Jan 09, 2010 at 02:39
Agree Col
If one is so sensitive to an f word may as
well stay
home. Don't mind the occasional expletive. Can't stand it when it is two words out of three.
Not sure if it a general trend or not but I notice that the drivel is usually on repeater channels that have no reason to be used. When travelling I normally use open scan in the country on all 40 channels. If there is too much drivel I drop back to a group scan that leaves out all repeater channels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and their paired channels 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and also 22 and 23. If that starts to get bad I just use 40.
I find this works for me quite