Wednesday, Feb 10, 2010 at 19:18
The GoVia computer system is now linked up with Queensland Transport so if worse comes to worse for them and they cannot recognize your trailer rego, Then they would get your particulars off the transport Dept to send you the fine... they will not deduct the fee off your account. That would be
too easy for them.
Interstate tolls
John, to my knowledge they will still charge you a 40 cent video recognition fee which is deducted off your credit.
Also, I have said it before not long after going free flow but for the benefit of those who don't know...
If you have automatic top up via your credit card, once your credit gets to $15.00 (I have heard that it is now $10) but either way... once your credit gets low they will automatically debit your credit card to top up your account with the amount you nominated...
Be aware that as having automatic top up, that because it is topping up when credit gets to $15 bucks (or $10).. that they will always have 15 or 10 bucks of YOUR money that you will never see again. It mighten seem like much but when you add up just how many people have auto top ups, that is a @#$% load of profit they are making off YOUR money and you get none of it.
If you are real pedantic about it all, nominate for you to do top up yourself.
You nominate what you want your balance to be when you are to receive an email notification of your credit running low, then go into your govia account online with your account number and top it up yourself with your credit card. Top ups will not always show up on your account immediately.
Having the inside information that is the only way
mine is topped up... they kicked me out of a job, buggered if they are going to get a cent out of me for them to make a profit!!