‘Year of the Outback’, later to be known as 'Outback Calling Ltd'
Submitted: Friday, Feb 26, 2010 at 21:06
This Thread has been Archived
Kim and Damn Dog
About ten years ago a bloke called Bruce Campbell AM MBE started a not for profit organisation, and by golly did they do some good work in the bush. But government funding dried up, and the organisation almost come to a standstill.
Here are his current words:
It is with very deep regret we inform visitors to this website that whilst enthusiastic interest in the Outback Calling Campaign has continued to pour in, circumstances have been such that we have not been successful in securing resources necessary to continue Outback Calling Ltd, the Campaign and in turn this website, to the next level.
This site was developed with a view to it growing to be a vital and ‘living’ central ‘portal to the Outback’ – a reference point for visitors to learn more about Outback Calling Ltd, the Outback Calling Campaign, associated projects and Rural, Regional and Remote Australia - its opportunities, unique features, events, activities, projects and achievements.
Regrettably, as Outback Calling Ltd has ceased trading; the website will not be grown as was our intention. However with thanks to the generosity of our web designers/hosts, Vivo Group, we are pleased to be able to keep the site ‘live’ for at least the immediate future and hope that even in its present form it might provide a useful resource to those directed to it.
Those of you who have followed and shared in developments since the days of Year of the Outback 2002 will know that the journey we (Outback Calling Ltd) have taken has been a long (over ten years) and wonderful one and we take this opportunity to thank everyone who has, over the years, participated in what has evolved to become Outback Calling. Time on time we were humbled by demonstrations of individuals and communities working together to create ‘modern miracles’ throughout, and since, the Year of the Outback and by the inspired spirit of the people in the ‘Bush’.
So I’m hopeful this post will receive many positive responses, that can be passed to, and have an influence on future government support for this great organisation (as it was).
Reply By: On Patrol & TONI - Friday, Feb 26, 2010 at 21:53
Friday, Feb 26, 2010 at 21:53
G'day Kim
noble thoughts mate and I for one hope it can sway the powers to be.
I am prompted to address my local member, along the lines of "whats good for the outback must be good for the country"
I do belive that YOTOB 2002 was and continues to be the shot in the arm that so many communities needed to get things going & it would be tragic to lose that imputus.
Cheers, Colin.
Follow Up By: Kim and Damn Dog - Friday, Feb 26, 2010 at 22:16
Friday, Feb 26, 2010 at 22:16
Thanks for those kind words. I'll pass all responses onto Bruce.