GU Patrol suspension
Submitted: Sunday, Feb 17, 2002 at 01:00
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Will standard GU Patrol
suspension handle
Cape York? OTL,Iron Range NP,
Maytown etc. Has handled weekend off-road work with full load kids & gear great so far (3.0TD, 25,000km on clock). Appreciate any thoughts.
Reply By: SEAN - Sunday, Feb 17, 2002 at 01:00
Sunday, Feb 17, 2002 at 01:00
I have 3.0L diesel manual and standard springs are very good.
I have not been to the cape buthave done a fair bit of very rough roads fully loaded and also
towing a van on the tar.
I have just replace my shocks and springs at 40,000ks due to shocks being worn out.
New springs give a lift but are stiffer to achieve this and I dont think they are as good as the
originals which I have kept just in case.
I dont think you will have any problems with standard springs.
Reply By: Ian - Sunday, Feb 17, 2002 at 01:00
Sunday, Feb 17, 2002 at 01:00
I did the
Simpson Desert i my GU on std
suspension - 4.5 petrol 2 guys, 2 swags, food fridge gear etc incl 200L fuel 60L water etc.
The vehicle had 75000 on it when we left, and did 7500 km okay.
Suspension was replaced 4 months after return - died very soon after the return - pitched and had very poor damping + heavily sagged.
But it did it
well. If your vehicle hasn't sagged, you could do it provided all is still in top condition and you don't plan on spending 7 hours a day hammering the shocks over the corrugations, they are the weakest point and only a small shock in volume.
To replace isn't very expensive relatively speaking and should give more comfort / load carrying ability. ARB OME combo and King Springs / Koni shocks work
well in small ie 2" lifts. Bigger is more of a minefield.
Reply By: Mal Try - Monday, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:00
Monday, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:00
Johnno, I drive an old LC but when I did the trip you describe there were lots of Nissans up there without modification. If worried carry spare shocks and second hand springs. A lot of it gets down to driving style. Have a
check underneath at least twice a day. Mal.
Reply By: Cashy - Monday, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:00
Monday, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:00
I did the trip you describe in July of last year in a Prado with a 2"
suspension lift when fully loaded. Even though the patrol is a different vehicle I would recommend that you change the
suspension and get a lift of adout 2" before you go and carry the old springs and shocks as spares. My friend has as 3.0L Patrol and has just fitted Bilstein Shocks and Lovell springs and is very happy with it and it looks good. You will find that as the K's get higher on the car the
suspension will sag more and more.
The trip you are talking of is a great trip and it is far more enjoyable if you know before you go that your
suspension is up to the job. The extra lift of an after market
suspension can make he difference between having enough of an approach or departure angle to get out of some of the river crossings without having to winch or be snatched. You do not mention if you are travelling alone or in a group. Also tyres are important to consider as
well. The standard road tyres will not handle the mud and rocks you will find up there very
well. I would recommend fitting All-Terrain tyres as a minimum and having two spares (especially if travelling alone).
You also need to take into account the distance from your starting point before you get to start on the cape as is will effect how many K's are on the
suspension before you start the trip. From experience standard
suspension doesn't last with a lot of off-road work past about 40K.
I hope this helps you.
Reply By: Will - Monday, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:00
Monday, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:00
In july 2000 a group of us did the Cape, I was driving my 99 GU 4.2 TD with (then) 35000km and an OME
suspension with 50mm lift and a friend of
mine was driving his 2000 GU Patrol with 5000km on the clock on standard
Mine was a bit heavier as I was carrying most of the recovery gear and I had a roof rack.
suspension faded every now and then and he noticed it having to slow down, he also broke the rear bumper lights on a few of the creek crossings and bent a sidestep. His
suspension was badly sagged at the end of the trip and had to be replaced.
Mine was OK the whole trip did not sag and I did not brake any rear lights or sidesteps.
The cape is tough on all suspensions, take it easy, two of my OME shocks were replaced under warranty by ARB after the trip as they developed a knock. Nissan would not even look at my friend's
suspension saying that he used it for off road and was not covered under warranty...
(A known Nissan line).
Have fun, it is an excellent place to visit but take it easy....
Reply By: Steve - Monday, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:00
Monday, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:00
Johnno : Suggest you have a look at another remedy. Fit a couple of Polyair Spring at rere and you will find, as I did, that with standard setup these will stop the hard landings that do the damage. I have them on a L/C Wagon, fully loaded on each trip, desserts etc, and have been really pleased with the setup, of course if you trash anything you will get into strife..take it easy, and you will have no dramas
Reply By: Tim Nivo - Monday, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:00
Monday, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:00
Johnno. I agree with some of the other replies. Standard nissan
suspension is very tough, and usually good for 50000k+. Keep the weight and speed down and you'll be right. If you're getting close to GVM a set of polyairs will help a lot.
Reply By: Ray - Tuesday, Feb 19, 2002 at 01:00
Tuesday, Feb 19, 2002 at 01:00
Hi Johnno
I have just tradied in the Nissan 3.oTD with 40000 on the clock and took the OME
suspension off as Nissan wanted the vehicle standard. I was shocked to how poor the vehicle handled with the Nissan
suspension back on. They had only travelled 100 before I replaced them with OME. The new Nissan arrives next week and will have the
suspension altered within days. Replace the
suspension and really enjoy the trip
Follow Up By: Will - Tuesday, Feb 19, 2002 at 01:00
Tuesday, Feb 19, 2002 at 01:00
I agree with you on this too, I changed
mine early at 5000kms and the handling improved.
I recently drove a friends patrol and it felt really floppy...