Carnarvon Gorge and Blencoe falls Early Oct

Submitted: Thursday, Oct 09, 2003 at 22:26
ThreadID: 7705 Views:2337 Replies:3 FollowUps:3
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Left Cairns Thursday arvo around 3pm and stayed at friends in Ayr that night. Woke up at 3am for the big drive all the way to Begonia (very small place with school close to St George).
We headed inland from Mackay through Clermont, Emerald, Roma and arrived at 6.30 pm, not bad for a 1350 km drive.
The next day was a friends wedding so no more driving until the next day, Sunday. After a short drive back up the Carnarvon highway we stopped at Hutton creek just north of Injune for the night.
Monday morning saw us miss the proper turnoff to Carnarvon Gorge AND the old one further North with the sign pointing to Rewan. A few km past we realised something was up and backtracked to the old route. This road is in good nick and offers people an alternate route (dirt) to the Gorge (it's around 20 km South of Rolleston).
We stayed 2 nights at Carnarvon which was fantastic before having to pack up and head back up to Charters Towers then to Townsville for Lunch before heading to Cardwell then Kennedy 10 km North. A quick stop in the shop and the owners had provided us with a map and info on camping and sightseeing at Blencoe falls (wonderful people). Another 2 hour drive west we arrived at our camp site. This was another long drive, leaving Carnarvon around 2.45 am and getting into Blencoe around 6.30 pm.
There are no facilities at Blencoe but it is a great place to camp, we stayed 2 days and loved it. The falls are excellent but be careful at the lookouts as they are sheer drops and quite dangerous.
From here we continued straight through to Mt Garnet and then back to Mossman on the Blacktop from there. An alternate route at Garnet can take you on a dirt track North and lead towards Chillagoe and the Undara Lava tubes but we left that for another time.
Total driving distance was juat over 3600 km from Thursday arvo to Friday arvo the next week. The Patrol performed absolutely faultlessly and came in just under 15L/100km.
Having a ute with a 2 metre wide tray, the wind resistance was a big factor in fuel economy with speeds 100km/hr and more starting to really chew the juice while 90 to 100 was excellent. Although I didn't get proper figures here, I would not be surprised if we saw around 17-18 L/100km compared to around 13 or perhaps even less at 90km/hr. The proof of wind resistance was in the drive from Townsville where we fueled up and did a fair bit of slow driving up the range from Kennedy followed by some high and low range 4 wding for quite a few kays before fueling again in Mareeba and still using 15 L/100 km for that period, excellent.
Anyway the trip was great, time to sign off on this Novel....
Cheers, Mark and go Nissan!!!!
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Reply By: Member - Bob - Friday, Oct 10, 2003 at 13:16

Friday, Oct 10, 2003 at 13:16
trip sounds great, but if I lived near Mossman I don't think I'd worry too much about leaving the area :-) I bet you grow cane.Bob
AnswerID: 33330

Follow Up By: basecamp15 - Friday, Oct 10, 2003 at 17:59

Friday, Oct 10, 2003 at 17:59
Don't plan on leaving here too soon :)
The only reason why I did the trip was due to the wedding so I made the most of it. :)
FollowupID: 23914

Reply By: Graham - Friday, Oct 10, 2003 at 14:25

Friday, Oct 10, 2003 at 14:25
About 6 weeks ago on our way to the Cape we turned off at Kennedy and then up to Blencoe and camped on the banks of Blencoe Creek, what a magic little spot. Considering they were in drought conditions, Blencoe Creek was still flowing quite strong, the creek must be awsome in the wet. From there we then headed north to Mt Garnett, infact we did not get to Mt Garnett, we turned at a little place called Tableland Tin just west of Garnett then proceeded north along the old gold rail line which bought us out at Lappa, Just east of Chilligoe. Well worth a look if you are out that way. Anyway the rest of the trip north via Chilligoe and the Palmer River was a superb trip. Who neds to travel overseas, we have it all.
AnswerID: 33333

Follow Up By: basecamp15 - Friday, Oct 10, 2003 at 17:58

Friday, Oct 10, 2003 at 17:58
That's the road I was talking about, I'll definitely head that way next trip.
FollowupID: 23913

Reply By: David O - Sunday, Oct 12, 2003 at 07:38

Sunday, Oct 12, 2003 at 07:38
A Mossman resident hey?
While I am not a true local, I only lived there for 10 years, I must say I miss the area, living as I do in Townsville.
Re Blencoe....where did you camp? On a trip long ago, I dont recall seeing great camp sites, were you near the creek?? I am planning a trip up there soon.

AnswerID: 33460

Follow Up By: basecamp15 - Sunday, Oct 12, 2003 at 19:15

Sunday, Oct 12, 2003 at 19:15
About 50 metres before you get to the bridge there is a right turnoff to some good spots right on the creek. Ours was about 200 metres up that track. A very nice rock section allowed us to sit in the middle of the creek and enjoy the scenery.
Have a good trip!! :)
FollowupID: 24042

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