Monday, Apr 12, 2010 at 14:58
Solar concentrating seems a logical way to go but seems to cause more problems than answers!!
Before we consider efficiencies, materials, construction etc.
Please consider:
1. The sun puts out about 900W per sq. metre and if we raised this to 1800W/m**2 then the collector dimensions (l & b) increase by 42% - not a great deal bigger than a single flat panel - 2 panels = 2x power.
2. The mirror must be curved so that the light is concentrated on the whole panel. This is a problem in itself. We may use fancy optics instead of a mirror - got to get it first!! - mechanical mounting of the mirror and panel must be looked at.
3. The mirror/solar panel must track the sun.
Points 2 and 3 can be a major headache and for all this effort what is to be gained ?
I'd place my bets on doubling the number of panels - 1 to 2.