
Submitted: Sunday, Apr 18, 2010 at 21:41
ThreadID: 77830 Views:3916 Replies:6 FollowUps:2
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I'm looking at purchasing ageneratot and have been told that the honda 2kva generator is a good one to look at...can any one offer advice on this one or any other good ones (preferably deisel)
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Reply By: Motherhen - Sunday, Apr 18, 2010 at 22:11

Sunday, Apr 18, 2010 at 22:11
Hi Chalkie

We chose the Honda 2 kva inverter (pure sine wave power suitable for modern battery chargers and electrical equipment). It is light weight to lift, easy to start and relatively quiet - it just purrs. You won't get one like this in diesel. It runs our caravan air conditioner if we really need it, but is used more for unforeseen circumstances and power tools on these occasions; not used very often but a good insurance against break downs. We use it more often at home during power failures when it runs the home fridges and freezers in rotation as well as aquarium pumps and communication equipment.


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AnswerID: 413496

Reply By: Wilko - Monday, Apr 19, 2010 at 06:44

Monday, Apr 19, 2010 at 06:44
Hi Chalkie,

I got a 1kva Honda and it does what I need.

I had a 2.2kva Yanmar diesel genny. It was heavy (55kg) noisy (75db specially compared to the Honda) but used very little fuel and seem to take a lot of abuse.

If I was going to use the diesel for camping I would ensure there was no one around for several km as the noise would certainly cause issues.

IMHO there is very little in quality between Honda and Yammy.

Cheers Wilko
AnswerID: 413515

Follow Up By: ChalkieSA - Monday, Apr 19, 2010 at 23:03

Monday, Apr 19, 2010 at 23:03
Thanks....agree a diesel will be too noisy...seems to be a choice between a Honda 20i or 10i....
FollowupID: 683707

Reply By: Member - Carl- Monday, Apr 19, 2010 at 08:28

Monday, Apr 19, 2010 at 08:28
Hi Chalkie,

Many of the problems with generators in camping are not mentioned in the broucher.

We have found that it can be the most anti social thing and the source of many arguements. People generally know the more expensive and quiet generators and appreciate that you have gone to this extent to reduce noise. They tend to "cut you more slack".

The other thing is your ability to both carry and lift it. That is put it back into it's housing or back of the ute. Not only that you often to carry the generator some distance, to reduce noise and position it behind a tree.

The 2400 Yamaha is great but hard to carry some distance. The EU2 honda has less output, more expensive but much easier to lift and carry.

You did not mention your age, possible use and type of location you like to camp. The sydney caravan show starts this week and this is about the best place to get one. Good luck with it.
AnswerID: 413521

Reply By: Peter_n_Margaret - Monday, Apr 19, 2010 at 10:30

Monday, Apr 19, 2010 at 10:30
Why do you need a generator?
You already have an alternator whit quite large capacity. If you organise that to use its output you will save a pile of cash and a pile of weight.
Invest a some of that in an inverter and some solar panels and get the best of all worlds.

AnswerID: 413527

Reply By: Member - Ian W (NSW) - Monday, Apr 19, 2010 at 20:24

Monday, Apr 19, 2010 at 20:24

You don't tell us just what it is you wish to achieve with your generator.

If it is to run a caravan air conditioner then a 2kW is probably what you need.
If you don't need to power an air conditioner then I would suggest that a 1kW unit is more than sufficient.

I run a Honda eu10 (1kW), with this I can run a 240v fridge, TV, the caravan lights and a Cetec Battery Charger whilst recharging mobile phone and camera batteries.

As stated I have a Honda, great unit, very quiet and economical. Having said that, if I were to go around again I would buy a Yamaha.

AnswerID: 413580

Follow Up By: ChalkieSA - Monday, Apr 19, 2010 at 23:01

Monday, Apr 19, 2010 at 23:01
Thanks Ian...I have a campomatic trailer, so not looking at an AC, but my wife is a 'coldie' and likes a bit of heating when a fire isn't available. Looking at one to also charge batteries in trailer for 12V fridge (it only runs for about 3 days before needing a charge), lights etc.
FollowupID: 683705

Reply By: Geoff (Newcastle, NSW) - Tuesday, Apr 20, 2010 at 00:23

Tuesday, Apr 20, 2010 at 00:23
"I have a campomatic trailer, so not looking at an AC, but my wife is a 'coldie' and likes a bit of heating when a fire isn't available. Looking at one to also charge batteries in trailer for 12V fridge (it only runs for about 3 days before needing a charge), lights etc."

Hello Chalkie,
Based on the above, shamelessly borrowed from one of your replies, do you intend to run say a fan heater or maybe an electric blanket?

If a fan heater then a 2KVA may well be too small! If you are planning on an electric blanket then a 1KVA will be just fine!

I'd suggest if you are going to charge batteries you get the biggest 240V charger the batteries in your camper can handle and plug that into your generator. You are going to run the genny so you may as well get the charge back in as fast as you can with minimal fuel useage.

The other advantage you get from loading a generator to say 66% of its rated load is long life. No glazed bores and other under loading problems.

The best thing to do is outline exactly what you want from the generator and then come back here with a must have and a nice to have list.

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AnswerID: 413596

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