Saturday, May 08, 2010 at 07:44
Tourists are an important income for many of those along the track, although residents should have priority for acess to the outside world, moving cattle etc.
Ah yes..the minor problem of fixed wing ..the strip at Mungerannie is closed "due to over-use" ???????
Yes there is an increase in usage for about 3 months of the year due to the lake having water in it at present. For the rest of the year Westwing aviation (the mail plane) lands weekly, hardly over use.
Helicopter is not really viable due to distance to the local store. Possible but not probable.
Could always do a Tom Cruise I suppose..2m tinny and one load at a time across.
Nope..the old track is not what it used to be although it can be the cause of an adventure at times. Now it is slowly becoming a main route from the Isa to
Port Augusta (since the
Birdsville to Isa was fully paved.)
One car and trailer and then some problems ? Guess that rules out road trains.
But this is of course... IF...the Cooper does flood.