Monday, May 10, 2010 at 22:20
I thought I would ask the question of GME.
Reply below.
Hi Tony,
Thank you for your email regarding the proposed changes to the 477MHz UHF CB band.
I understand your associations concerns as to how these changes will effect the way they use there current CBs in the future.
Please let me explain what changes the ACMA are going to implement, what is the timeframe for implementation and what the ACMA is trying to achieve by making the changes.
The ACMA recognise the UHF CB spectrum is well utilised and possibly crowded in some areas. There have been a number of discussions held between various stakeholders over the last 2 years which culminated in the release the latest document which puts the following plan and time lines in place.
• The current 40 channel band plan will be replaced by a 76 channel band plan.
• All current 25 KHz channels will be replaced with 12.5 KHz channels except channels 22 and 23, they will remain 25 KHz and designated for telemetry only.
• The ACMA is anticipating the necessary changes can be in place so the channel plan can revert to 76 channels sometime in the second quarter next year.
• 40 Channel equipment will still be able to be used until 1st January 2016
In answer to your questions:
• You will be able to still use your existing equipment until the 1st January 2016.
• The band will be covered under a class license as it is now, there will be no license required.
• The benefit is the additional channels will relieve the current congestion experienced in some areas.
I hope this information helps, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions. I will forward further information to you as it comes to hand.
Best Regards
Peter Cooke
Marketing Manager Land Mobile and MATV
Standard Communications Pty Ltd ACN: 000 346 814
Phone +612 9844 6666 Head Office:
Fax +612 9844 6600 Locked Bag 2086
Nth Ryde NSW 1670
Follow Up By: Nomadic Navara - Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 18:19
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 18:19
The sentence "• The band will be covered under a class license as it is now, there will be no license required" contradicts itself. You are not permitted to posses or operate any transmitter that is not licensed. What he should have said is that you do not have to posses a licence as as the CB transmitter is covered by the Radiocommunications (Citizen Band Radio Stations) Class Licence 2002.
There are 3 types of licence:
Spectrum Licence - the licensee holds a licence to operate equipment over a specified frequency range in a specified area within the constraints of that licence. The licensee can authorise others to operate equipment operating in accordance with that licence.
Apparatus Licence - the licensee holds a licence to operate a transmitter at a given location and for a base station licence, mobile transmitters within its service area. Again, the licensee can authorise others to operate equipment operating in accordance with that licence.
Class Licence - the Spectrum Manager holds the class licence (ie is the licensee.) The licence authorises equipment of a specified class to operate on specific frequencies of frequency range specified in the licence. The Spectrum Manager authorises others to operate equipment operating in accordance with that licence.
Members of one or more of the HF networks operate under the apparatus licences held by the network. The managers of the network authorise their members to operate under the licence (but not others.)
Class licences cover things like CB, radio model control and "Low Interference Potential Devices." A list of licences and information papers can be viewed at
this link.