Karijini National Park ~ Rescues

Submitted: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 10:56
ThreadID: 78382 Views:3979 Replies:2 FollowUps:1
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G'day Folks

There have been seven (7) full scale rescues carried out within the Gorge systems of the Karijini N/P this year ~ the latest rescue concluded late last night at around 21:00 hrs, with a middle aged woman being tranfered to the Tom Price Hospital, suffering broken bones after a fall/slip whilst deep in a gorge.

The accident actually occured in the aftrenoon ~ it is a long time for a person ~ any person to be waiting, possibly in pain, for professional help.

There was a serious incident the previous day again requiring a rescue operation.

If you visit Karijini "Be aware" it can be dangerous.

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Reply By: MEMBER - Darian, SA - Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 11:34

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 11:34
Interesting Joe - 7 is a lot for so early in the season - a beautiful place to go trekking - fabulous natural land and rock formations - but I saw so many trails and paths where a klutz like me could easily fall and break something (or worse). I think I'm 'just' fit enough to do some of those walks and I am quite careful by nature - but anyone lacking suitable fitness and some experience with trekking over uneven and rocky ground could easily come ' unstuck' there. Be aware indeed.
AnswerID: 416246

Follow Up By: Member - Joe F (WA) - Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 13:03

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 13:03
G'day Darian

The reason for the post regarding Karijini is just to stir the thinking process ~ we all possess. Yes 7 actual rescue operations already and the "Green" season is really yet to begin.

The lady injured in yesterdays incident slipped on what may have been wet/slick rock, but being deep in Hancock Gorge that relatively simple fall ~ injury was compounded by the geographic location.

Most people who wander the wilderness do so without incident and some people just come un-stuck usually because of circumstances beyond their actual control, whilst others invite danger and sustain severe injury ~ just like the French bloke in Karijini on the previuos day to this lady being rescued.

It takes a huge amount of time and resources to mount a full scale rescue, as all hands need to be mustered from either Tom Price and or Newman ~ these towns are a long way away, especially for the injured person, usually in severe pain and shock. All injuries that occur to a person who is "deep down" are considered as serious as no one carries a First Aid kit ~ even a sprained/rolled ankle is a serious incident considering the location.

Just as a reminder : most of the rescue personnel are volunteers who lead normal lives, but drop that normality to help some one who may have ignored a sign or common sense.
FollowupID: 686364

Reply By: get outmore - Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 12:15

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 12:15
some of the info boards give a rundown of the time frame typical rescue from injury to mobalization of ses etc etc - something like 12 hours from injury to hospital

maybe his comes from people waiting till its too late before having a look around ?

certainly when i was there it seemed most visitors were well over 50

its not just karanjini either

recently a couple of elderly ladies went for a short walk at Niagra Dam and sparked a full on rescue and spent overnight in the bush after becoming lost

Many people have been poking around most of their lives and so recognise the dangers but for some the first time they head for the great outdoors is not till they consider theve earnt it

maybe thats being harsh - will i recognise my limitations when revisiting spots i used to jump from rock to rock then climb to the top and down the hard way?

probablly not - who wants to admit their getting old
AnswerID: 416254

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