Monday, May 17, 2010 at 09:36
fact -noun
1. something which is known to have happened or to exist. The only Asian caravaners I have seen were stuck in Lavis Lane. Olddigger hasn't seen any. By the way, I thought his comment was a bit smelly myself but its not my place to say whats right or wrong because that changes according to what government is in power and what particular god they agree with. You might say there is only one god but that would conflict with contrary
views held by millions of other people of different races....which leads me back to the other word-
nutty -adjective
1. everyone. If I am only allowed to call white Australians nutty then thats racist. I reserve the right to call all races nutty because personally I think thats a fact.
Have a nice day, and I don't mind what race you are.