Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 19:00
Hi ChipPunk
I am beginning to think YOU have A major Problem reading anything but your own B#&*it
Why don't you just go back & read it ALL very, very slowly.Maybe even make some notes so you do not forget what you just read.
I have consistently said ,in what I believe are simple terms, "DO NOT USE AN EARTH STAKE"
RE :Put simply, a floating system is floating. If you touch one side - say L1 aka "Active", you become its reference and hence no harm.
If you are earthed, the same thing happens - you become its earth reference and the L1 is at earth potential. (L2 then goes to 240V and hence becomes "Active" in reality - and I think by definition...?) "
Again you seem to have a serious misunderstanding of terms .
I believe what is generally being referred to in this & most similar threads here & on other forums , is Earthing the genny or inverter FRAME.
Not connecting one line to a earth stake.
To create a ground earthed neutral[MEN]
I think you will find that if you read similar threads & can forget about MEM systems
That is the question generally asked: "should I connect the van frame or the genny /inverter frame to an earth stake"
My answer has always been "NO"
I doubt if any are referring to earthing via an earth stake one line of the genny/ inverter
RE :"then the authorities would IMO mandate earth stakes and RCDs.
I can only assume the authorities still feel "isolated" is safer than earth referencing and RCDs. "
Why would they mandate earth stakes when they have specifically said" an earth stake is neither required or recommended"??
Even when using now mandatory RCD protected gennys or
inverters on building & construction sites where the risk is even higher??
John does not know what he did either but I will spell it out for you ,You may then be able to understand,
He connected a RCD input terminals to a source [active & neutral ],He had NO connection to the load terminals or earth , he pressed the "test " button ,the RCD tripped, The core balance was upset INTERNALLY by by the
test button
That is in line with what anyone who KNOWS about RCDs operation would expect
RE :"or the done-to-resurrection'th time, by its core IMBALANCE. "
Who is saying otherwise , again you may be having a comprehension problem
But MANY electricians do not know these simple facts .It is becoming more & more obvious that you are in that category
Get A copy of AS 3001 :2008.
Sit back & clarify your terminology.
Understand the many ways in which the term "earth" is used in the electrical sense
Get out of your mind that every thing is MENed
Understand that fixed installations are not in the same category as vehicles .
Understand that portable gennys &
inverters are just that,not attached by fixed wiring to permanent or semi permanent buildings vans etc but connected by extension lead
That is what this
forum & similar are about,vans motor homes & similar using PORTABLE gennys &
If you wish to discuss hard wired installation of gennys &
inverters You may find the below links of interest IT is an electrical
I have endeavoured not to give detailed info for the simple reason that unqualified people may attempt to modify equipment &/or wiring
I think you mentioned DUTY OF CARE very applicable to this type of
However I would EXPECT a qualified person aware of the appropriate rules
to understand without such details