Thursday, Jun 17, 2010 at 18:56
Hi MH,
It was great to revisit Kings Canyon. My previous visit was 32 years ago!! When we did the trip back then, you had to call in to Wallara Ranch, fill up with petrol, and the guy behind the bar (one of the Cotterills I think) would get out a pad and pencil and draw you a mudmap of the walk. No resorts, no signposts - just a loop at the end of the dirt road at the base of where the
Rim walk starts. We found our way up the top, got a bit lost in
the Lost City, but found the wooden
bridge to the
lookout on the edge and did a very hairy climb into
the Garden of Eden. We were supposed to come back the way we came, but couldn't reclimb the wall, so ended up climbing out the north side and found our way back to the
carpark similar to where the walk goes now.
We camped about 5 k's away at Reedy
Rockhole (now a protected area). Sandy track in there - almost got the Corolla bogged as we booted it across the sand. I must dig up some old photos and scan them sometime! There's been quite a change.