Monday, Jun 21, 2010 at 13:07
Hi Stephen'
My day off today.
Now we're torn between the two! We could take a bit of long service & do both.
It's a long way though, between the two sides.
We"d like to see the
Diamantina Lakes area after all the rain, We visited the station
homestead because my grandparents worked there in the 1800s.
We didn't get out to the Lakes though.
We've crossed the Simpson three times and are at present thinking of another short way around. We don't want to go back to the Alice via the
Plenty highway because we use to live on a place there & we've travelled it many times. My job on my days off now will be to have a good look at the maps.
Hubby is suffering a bit with his CLL. at present and may soon not be able to go way out bush in the tent, so we'd like to do them both.
We're doing the SBJ then down to Blackstone and that has to be this year because of hubby's health.
Any Ideas on the best way to achieve both without so much travelling time or going back over where we've been before?
Keep up the good work with your pictures etc.
Take care, safe travels.
Kind regards, Ma.