Looking for advise Re Strzelecki track
Submitted: Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 00:59
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Hi all, I am after some advise on a trip I am planning in early July.
We are planning to head to
Marree then out to the Cooper
creek crossing for a look then back to
Lyndhurst and up the Strzelecki to Merty Merty. Then over to Camerons Corner. Across to
Tibooburra and back
home via
Broken Hill and
Mildura. All in 6 - 7 Days
We (myself, wife and 5 children) will be traveling in a Nissan Patrol with a Windsor windup campervan with good ground clearance and independent
What I need to know is,
Will I get a van up the Strzelecki over to Camerons corner and into
What will the tracks be like ie graded road, two wheel track, Sand dunes?
From what I have read there are a few sand dunes to cross and some
creek crossing along the Strzelecki but I cant find info about towing a Van along these tracks.
Cheers Matt
Reply By: Sand Man (SA) - Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 07:39
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 07:39
If the tracks haven't been affected by rain, you should have no problem towing your campervan on them.
Both the
Birdsville and Strzelecki Tracks are good dirt/rubble based roads and graded at times as necessary to keep in good repair.
Following rain however, there may be washouts and boggy patches of varying degrees, but basically if the roads are declared open, they are OK to drive on.
There are no
sand dune sections on any of the tracks. A couple of minor sandy sections on the Merty Merty to
Cameron Corner Track but nothing worth worrying about.
If your campervan is of the off road style, it wont get shaken to bits.
Just keep your eye on the Road Conditions reports under the Articles heading at the top of page.
Enjoy your trip.
Follow Up By: Malleerv - Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 08:04
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 08:04
Thanks Bill, Will be keeping an eye on the track closures and weather as the departure time gets closer.
Do you know if there is a track from the
Birdsville track over to the Strzelecki? or is heading back to
Lyndhurst the best option.
Cheers Matt
Follow Up By: Malleerv - Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 23:29
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 23:29
Skipypype, I was looking for a crossing south of
cooper creek across to the
strzelecki track. I realize the track through the cooper basin would be closed and will not be heading that far north anyway.
Cheers for your response, Matt
Reply By: Member - Stephen L (Clare SA) - Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 07:59
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 07:59
Hi Matt
We met a chap at
Copley only last Thursday night who had just come through from
Tibooburra to
Copley in one stint,
well over 600 kilometres and said that the track was in first class condition and smooth as.
They went from
Cameron Corner, down the Strezelecki and out at
Lyndhurst and then down to
Copley. He was not a mad
young driver, but a mature man into his 70's, so that will give you some indication on what the track was like.
Follow Up By: Malleerv - Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 08:13
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 08:13
Thanks Stephen. Thats good news. We wont be traveling that fast. I want to enjoy the time out there as you never no when you might get back.
I see you have been up to the cooper
creek crossing. Is there
places to
camp along side the cooper on the
Marree side?
Cheers matt
Follow Up By: Member - Stephen L (Clare SA) - Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 08:34
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 08:34
Hi Matt
Yes our first nights
camp out on the Cooper was in fact on the southern side (
Marree side). When you get to the ferry detour sigh, keep going on the graded
Birdsville Track. You will only be able to go as far as the
M V Tom Brennan Memorial. From there you can drive right down to the waters edge.
We camped about 1 kilometre to the east of here on high ground in the trees. There is lots of timber for a
good camp fire and easy to drive in. It is mostly small gibber, but very easy to make your way to a
good camp site.
our camp we could see many vehicles coming in to see the water from this side of the
Birdsville Track.
Just past Etadunna Station, you will come to the ferry and detour
sign. Drive straight through and it is about 20 odd kilometres to the actual crossing. You van will be able to get through, as there is a Highways
camp near the Brennan site and 2 graders head out from there every day.
Have a great time and make sure that you see the flooded Cooper.
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Follow Up By: Member - Stephen L (Clare SA) - Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 08:38
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 08:38
Hi Matt
Another important thing I should have also mentioned is keep you fuel supplies low providing you are diesel, as the cheapest fuel anywhere in the area is at The
Lyndhurst Hotel, where diesel is only $1.42 per litre compared to $1.77 at
Follow Up By: Malleerv - Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 23:35
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 23:35
Thanks again Stephen.
Yep have a diesel Patrol. $1.42 is quite reasonable considering we pay between $1.30 and $1.45 here and we are only 160km from
Did you fish while you camped on the cooper?
Cheers Matt
Follow Up By: Member - Stephen L (Clare SA) - Thursday, Jun 17, 2010 at 07:27
Thursday, Jun 17, 2010 at 07:27
Hi Matt
When we purchased, these were the following prices for Diesel fuel
Clare $1.29
Hawker $1.40
Leigh Creek $1.50
Marree $1.77 (We never actually purchased, but that was the Price)
Lyndhurst $1.42
We did not go fishing, but were told that there are lots of fish, but they are all very small.
Reply By: Ian & Chris - Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 20:16
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 at 20:16
Many thanks to both Stephen & Bill for their detailed replies, thanks Matt for the enquiry.
We are to do a similar trip early August, up to look at the Flinders, then to have a look at the water and over to Camerons Corner via Merty Merty.
Your info is appreciated.
I'm aware road conditions can change quicly at times and will make local enquiries at the time.
Reply By: Member - Jeff C (NSW) - Thursday, Jun 17, 2010 at 16:38
Thursday, Jun 17, 2010 at 16:38
Hi Matt
We were up at Lake Eyre North (
Level Post Bay Track) early May. Two vehicles had camper trailers & one with small caravan expandain the party. Came back via Maree &
Lyndhurst before heading up Strez.track on 8th May.The road was a dream as the Strez creek X-ing had just been re-opened.
Great camp at
Montecollina bore (good swimming). Turned off at Merty Merty for
Tibooburra. This track was a lovely drive, lush green pasture with water holes full. Unless there has been serious rain since our trip you will have nothing to worry about.
Enjoy your travels