A bit of rain in the Kimberley

Submitted: Tuesday, Jul 06, 2010 at 13:14
ThreadID: 79895 Views:3458 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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A few tracks and parks have closed, and Purnunulu may be closed within 24 hours.

Closure of Parks in the Kimberley

Closure of Parks in the Kimberley
Due to widespread and unseasonal rainfall across the Kimberley over the last 36 hours some Parks are closed due to road conditions.
At this stage the West Kimberley Parks of Windjana Gorge, Tunnel Creek and day use and camping sites in the King Leopold Range Conservation Park (including Lennard Gorge Bell Gorge and Silent Grove) are closed.
Wolfe Creek Crater National Park is closed.

Geikie Gorge National Park remains open as does Purnululu National Park and Mitchell River National Park however the likely hood of Purnululu National Park and Mitchell River National Park closing in the next 24hrs is high.

DEC will monitor daily rainfall levels and advise of any change in entry status as soon as possible
For further information please contact the DEC Broome office on (08)9195 5500 or the DEC Kununurra office on (08) 9168 4200.



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Reply By: goddosglory - Tuesday, Jul 06, 2010 at 13:45

Tuesday, Jul 06, 2010 at 13:45
thanks for the weather report ..motherhen.....was going to do gibb river this week...will have to put it off for another week...how long ...if there is no more rain... does it normally take to subside????
AnswerID: 423246

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