Getting Cash in Central Australia

Submitted: Thursday, Feb 28, 2002 at 01:00
ThreadID: 801 Views:1600 Replies:3 FollowUps:0
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Travelling from Melb through Flinders Ranges enroute to Alice & the usual Ayers Rock, Kings Canyon etc.before heading thru Tenant Creek, Mt Isa etc. Can people let me know how easy it is to withdraw cash from auto tellers etc in places other than Alice? Which bank...yep, the C'Wealth.
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Reply By: Mal Try - Friday, Mar 01, 2002 at 01:00

Friday, Mar 01, 2002 at 01:00
Adrian, No problems at Ayres Rock and Mt Isa. Most Servoes will give you extra cash if you fill your tank. I've never had any problems in the outback. Mal.
AnswerID: 2244

Reply By: rich - Saturday, Mar 02, 2002 at 01:00

Saturday, Mar 02, 2002 at 01:00

EFTPOS is everywhere. The major problem I had was some odd and slightly inconvenient closing hours at some out of the way places...this is to be expected.
Doesn't hurt to always carry a couple of hundred on you to confirm your liquidity with the late night-tow truck driver if needed etc...
cheers rich
AnswerID: 2248

Reply By: Phil - Monday, Mar 04, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Mar 04, 2002 at 01:00
Go to the banks and get their booklets that have a list of places with banks. ccards are every where, eftpos is in most places but cash is sometimes hard to get. Some cash in the wallet is fine.
AnswerID: 2279

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