Monday, Jul 19, 2010 at 21:06
I would look at buying a van for a start, the tent and camper will wear thin very quickly as you will be "working" and not on "hols" .....
Some will offer accom but dont bank on it and also rental accom is near on impossible as you head north unless you are loaded.
A few good sites ..... the few formost are "Seek, Career One and My Career" and set up a notification with the key words of "remote", you will get a lot of "remote" medicial jobs but filter through and you will turn up some good ones.. another good keyword is simply the exact location of where you plan to stop and work, for instance "Darwin" will almost always bring up any job that is in "darwin".....
Another new one is "red banana" not bad but still new to the game..
Another is "trans remote" it will have some that suit you both as a couple and will mostly offer accom .....
The internet is the best thing short of the local paper of the place, if you can get your hands on it then you are on a roll....
ALSO, get your resme up to date and ready to e mail when required and get GOOD referees, let them know what you are looking at doing.....
There is HEAPS of work out here if you simply want to work and are flexable and some really
well paid jobs around also but accom is very hard to get, again look at a caravan as you wont last long in a camper or tent, we tried it and never ever again..
I would stay away from the bar work as you will be up against the backpackers who will work for very little just for a job, your combined experiance is really solid, i would have taken you both on, position filled last Mon, sorry :-)
Good luck