Saturday, Aug 07, 2010 at 19:22
G'day Pop
I've never been called quick before so I take that as a compliment, I might say things that are at times rash and in your face but it's pointless beating about the bush when you need to make a statement.
Australian society and our way of life is changing dramatically, people are now days very accepting of the way things are rightly or wrongly, society in general just seem to plod along like numbskulls. The news headlines are usually all about crime - violence - corporate and political dishonesty, yet when the perpetrators are nailed ~ sometimes redhanded ~ they'll have lawyers and special interest groups to help fight for their "rights" !!
There are far to many avenues of escape by being politicaly correct ~ I despise that lousy " cliche' " because some conceited politician conjured it up to save his or her political hide.
Any way Pop, the powers to be told me there are too many "what if's" when I suggested the tracking down of the number plate owner(s).
The Shire's answer to the clean up was to send a bloke in with a front end loader and clear all the garbage - trees - spinifex - rocks and turn the place into a bloody big dust bowl. Shame we are manged by such talented people.
I'll end my contribution to this debate by saying this " if we are not careful in looking after Australia and our Australian way of life" we may
well become a third world country ~ frightening when you think about that possibility !