12HT plumbing
Submitted: Tuesday, Nov 04, 2003 at 07:56
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hey all! greetings from cold canada!
I thought I'd try this group for advice because I think these motors have been around Aus for a lot longer than Canada. It is getting cold here - fast. I have a (new to me) HJ61 with the 12HT. I tried putting a block heater in, with no luck! Cant find the frost plugs. Anyone help me here?
What I'd really like to do is put in a circulating inline heater (tap into the heater hoses). But this design relies on putting the hot water thorugh the top of
the block (head) and collecting it from the bottom. I cant seem to find any kind of block drain to use as a cold (collection source) from
the block. ? Can anyone help me here (location)?
Also, there are two separate heater hoses coming off the top of the head. One at front, and one at back by the firewall. It looks like they supply the main and rear heaters separatly - why would this be? Why two off
the block, why not just one hot supply line? Is one hotter than the other?
Well, thats it. I would really appreciate hearing from someone who is familiar with this engine block so I can rig this up. I was hoping to avoid cutting the wrong (and probably expensive) factory hoses! Hope all is
well down under have a good summer!
Reply By: Member - DOZER- Tuesday, Nov 04, 2003 at 08:12
Tuesday, Nov 04, 2003 at 08:12
Gday Johnny
Good motors these...from memory there is a small plug in the side of
the block and to the rear,on the exhaust side to let water out.
Cant say where ther freeze plugs are, but there would be some somewhere...
Andrewwheredayathinkwer mike?
Reply By: floyd - Tuesday, Nov 04, 2003 at 14:56
Tuesday, Nov 04, 2003 at 14:56
Hi Jonny, I am not sure if you will get much help on block heaters from Australia. We do not use them here or need them (too warm). I lived in Canada (BC) for 5 years and do know what a block heater is however I have never seen one here. I actually live and work in the Australian alps and consult for a few of the ski areas and I also owned an HJ 61 with the 12HT motor for several years. I have never had cold starting problems with this motor in temperatures down to -10 C. Not sure how they go in colder temps like you get in Canada though. I certainly found the 12HT better than the non turbo 2H in the cold for starting so I reckon you have got yourself a good cold weather motor.
Mine also had the front and rear heaters and the rear one cooked like an oven. It was lucky for the rear passengers that it had a temp control on it.
Mine also had 2 supply lines (one for each one). I guess that this is so as they both get even temperatures as if the water circulated through both then the second heater would run colder than the first. Sorry I know nothing about
the block heater for that engine. Cheers Floyd.
Reply By: Kiwi Ray - Saturday, Nov 08, 2003 at 18:03
Saturday, Nov 08, 2003 at 18:03
Hi Johnny
The frost plugs are under the manifold on the RH side
If you care to give me a couple of days I will see if I still have the W
shop manual and will get back to you
Reply By: johnny - Saturday, Nov 15, 2003 at 05:01
Saturday, Nov 15, 2003 at 05:01
thanks for your help guys. I still havent been able to install this heater but I plan on tackling it this weekend. As long as I can find that damn frost plug or drain then I'm in business.