water leak - front passengegr floor

Submitted: Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 11:36
ThreadID: 8336 Views:1917 Replies:7 FollowUps:6
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I have an 80 series L/C which has a water leak inot the floor area of the frint passenger side. I have had the windscreen seal reasealed but in the heavy rain, still get quite a lot of water in overnight. I would like any advice which may help, me fix this problem.
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Reply By: Hughesy - Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 12:16

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 12:16
Nigel, not exactly sure abou the 80 series but I know that my 75 series sometimes leaks in very heavy rain onto the LHS floor. I found the water was coming through the fan unit (inside A/C fan that is). To check take off the cover over the bottom of the fan unit and see if it is holding water. I think it gets in from where the A/C system draws its fresh air from ie. through that grill on the ouside in front of the window. Might just need a bit of silicon somewhere. Doesn't bother me because it doesn't rain enough out here!!! Hope this helps.

AnswerID: 36389

Reply By: ExplorOz Team - David - Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 12:16

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 12:16

I had excatly the same thing happening with our vehicle and it was the air conditioner system. If you have one fitted make sure the humidity relief hose that hangs out from the firewall and goes straight down is clear. I blew into mine and then got out of the way as litres of water came pouring out. I was actually very suprised how much water was stored in the system.

I too thought it was screen or a rust spot or something and spent ages looking for the leak until one day I noticed it was worse with the air on.Regards
ExplorOz Team - David
Always working, not enough travelling ;-)
AnswerID: 36390

Follow Up By: Nigel - Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 12:32

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 12:32

Where abouts should I locate the hunidity relief hose under the firewall? This does make a lot of sense as the water seems to only have been immendiately below the fan within the fromt passenger compartment.

Thanks for your assistance,

FollowupID: 26284

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - David - Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 12:52

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 12:52

Have a look under the vehicle behind the front passenger wheel you should see a hose pointing down with nothing connected n the end. I hangs down about 50cm and should be the only one of it's kind in the area about 1.5cm round & black - Jump under the vehicle just behind the passenger wheel, clean the end of the hose and give it a good blow you should hear bubbling then get out of the way as it will pour out.

Let me know how you go!Regards
ExplorOz Team - David
Always working, not enough travelling ;-)
FollowupID: 26285

Follow Up By: Nigel - Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 14:15

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 14:15
Found the hose - blew compressed air up it but unfortunately no water. This may also be as the water has probably drained over the past few days. Nonetheless, in the future it may welll have done the trick!
FollowupID: 26287

Follow Up By: Member - Eric- Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 20:36

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 20:36
Thanks boys I was about to change my screen for nothing also , lol

Same problem here , on my 80 series , ill check out the hose tomorrow .Venus Bay
FollowupID: 26313

Reply By: Patrol22 (Queanbeyan - Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 12:54

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 12:54
Like David from Explor Oz I had a similar problem with the condensate drain on my GU patrol. Didn't find it until we were on Cape York with very high humidity and running the a/c continuously. I even accused the handbrake of spilling her bottled water. Anyway I got to talking to another GU owner in Weipa and he told me how he fixed the problem - bit of 3/8 hose stuck in the A/c drain point (which is flush with the firewall) and just take the water away under the vehicle somewhere. This bloke paid $25 for 6 inches of hose and 2 zip ties in Coen - I was a bit luckier I had the zip ties and bought the same hose in Mitre 10 Weipa for $2.80/metre. The bit of hose I stuck in there back in 2001 is still there and doing the job well.
AnswerID: 36394

Reply By: Member - DOZER- Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 13:33

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 13:33
Gday if you peel back the carpet, you will see the hose coming from the plastic ductwork under the glove compartment and going out the floor/firewall.
It does come off the plastic doover inside if you think it easier to check for water there.
Another less possibility is the grommet in the foot well of the cruiser that hides the chassis mount bolt. This structurally formed channel underneath the floor level can sometimes get full of mud and then water comes up through the gromet from underneath as the water cant get out the channel. Check the sill weep holes are clear aswell whilst there.
Andrewwheredayathinkwer mike?
AnswerID: 36399

Follow Up By: Nigel - Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 14:17

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 14:17

Are the sill weep holes you speak of tghe ones which carry the wiring down them azlong the side of the vehicle. Is this where I should locate the gromet?

Thanks for your help,

FollowupID: 26288

Follow Up By: Member - DOZER- Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 16:17

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 16:17
under the vehicle, there are some small holes that let the water out of the sills that are under both doors. There is also 2 gromets the size of a 5 cent piece that can be removed if reqd to drain any water.
Also up front where your left foot pinky would sit on the carpet in the passengers seat, you will find a gromet in the floor. Under that is a bolt to secure the mount to the chassis and a small space that sometimes fills with water.
Andrewwheredayathinkwer mike?
FollowupID: 26292

Reply By: Member - Alex B - Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 15:44

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 15:44
G'day Nigel, I had a water leak into the font passanger side as you have. Took me over two years to finally track it down. The water was coming in via my radio aerial that is mounted on the front passanger quarter panel. When it rained water would leak in bettween the aerial base and the panel and run along the coax cable which entered the cabin very high up under the dash - the installer had failed to properly seal it with a bung and as the cable turned "up' the water came down!

I only found it when in another fit of desperation I dismantled 80 % of the dash and went where no man had been before!

Hope this helps.
AnswerID: 36415

Reply By: Member- Rox - Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 23:04

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003 at 23:04
Nigel try lifting the carpet and look for the windscreen wiper tube (5mm) that goes to the back window. It travels down the passanger side mine had a leek due to previous owner had fault with his c/van & added extra h/d fuse (it cooked the water tube)Have 4WD will Explore
AnswerID: 36474

Reply By: crusa - Saturday, Nov 08, 2003 at 11:42

Saturday, Nov 08, 2003 at 11:42
HI Nigel

I had the same problem with my 80 series and took me a while to figure out!

I also thought it was a leak on the left hand side windscreen but eventually traced to where the electrical leads passed through the grommet (including the aerial lead) on the firewall. I fixed the problem with silicone around this grommet and have had no further problem.

Crusa (Vic rego)
AnswerID: 36601

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