Wednesday, Jan 19, 2011 at 17:52
Mate, you simply do not understand the difficulties and hassles caused by this situation for GPs who are constantly the targets of addicts and rip off artists and justifiably regard this situation with suspicion. You also have no appreciation of the RULES and regulations governing this situation. Your doctor bashing clap trap is not constructive. The doctor does not make the regulations but must abide by them. Also the issue has nothing to do with the DVA - in relation to narcotics the same rules apply. Also the fact that your Dr is recommended by the DVA means nothing more than the fact he is registered with the DVA (and any Dr can do it) - it does not reflect in any way the quality of his knowledge, dedication or
For the original poster, can I suggest:
1) get a letter from your doctor stating what medications you are on, the doses and the frequency with which they are taken;
2) ask your doctor to include in the letter something to the effect of "please do not hesitate to contact me for verbal confirmation" (I add this because addicts and rip off merchants are not above stealing stationery from doctors surgeries and writing their own letters);
3) take the medications as prescribed - if you take them more frequently than prescribed (and therefore turn up earlier than expected for another script) then this looks VERY suspicious
4) do not get cheesed off when you are treated with suspicion - if you are above board, then it is no reflection on YOU even though I know it feels like it is. The doctor is not to blame for this suspicion, it results from the bad behaviour of many before you. Consider the possibility that yesterday this doctor may have been abused or even assaulted by an addict - possibly more than once!
5) make an appointment with a Dr close enough to the time your next script is due to indicate you are using your medications appropriately but not too late to sort out hassles or refusals
6) please do not see the doctors with which you deal as the culprits who are causing the difficulties you will encounter. Addicts and rip off merchants are the cause; rules and regulations are the solution - unfortunately they are cumbersome and they don't work that
7) finally please be philosophical. The situation presents some difficulties but too bad. We all have to try to work within a system that doesn't work very
well. If you have better solutions then talk to the politicians and try to change it.
Good luck, safe travels and I hope this is of some help.