Thursday, Mar 24, 2011 at 23:10
(I'd really like the ability to EDIT my own posts as I think it'd be great to go and change or add things without having to make an entirely NEW post - Admin, can we have Edit please?)
Right, I should add to the above to say that a battery is charged NOT by the amount of VOLTS being put in to it, or by the amount of WATTS being put in to it but by the amount of AMPS.
So FOR EXAMPLE (and to those couch experts - please NOTE the FOR EXAMPLE because I'm trying to make it easier to understand) if you put 2 AMPS in to a battery for 24 hours you might charge it to being fully charged. But if you put in 4 AMPS it will only take 12 hours to charge the same battery, and if you put in 8 AMPS it will likewise be 4 hours to charge the battery.
Now bearing this EXAMPLE in mind (and of course their is an exact formula and reasoning to this but I'm not smart enough to understand it all perfectly or explain it for that matter), if you have 2 Regulators on 80W panels that are capable of 5 to 6 AMPS each (and my 80W is, so I'm taking the guess on that being the same), and ONE regulator cancels out the other than you are only getting 6 AMPS max charge all day.. BUT if you have a regulator capable of handling more panels then you might get 12 or even 18 AMPS out of 2 to 3 panels.. and 12 AMPS will charge a 100Ah deep cycle in a matter of about 6 hours to being fairly
well charged (not necessarily full though).
Anyway, it's something to think about right?
I am expecting the arm-chair experts to flame the hell out of me, but you NEED a devils advocate right? Otherwise you wander in to some situation without the possible full story, and bearing in mind that ALL of my external lights at my place are SOLAR POWERED, and that I spent 2 full months with my fridge being ONLY solar powered with NO 240v power available, and being that I'm expanding my solar system to power ALL of my lights at
my home, perhaps, just perhaps, I might know a little about it?????
(oh yeah, my entire drain on 240 volts town power supply at present comes from TV, 2 x lights, and my fridge/phone charger (both on the same 12c inverter power supply).. and I'm planning on reducing that to JUST TV, or TV and Fridge within the month if I can get my act in to gear).
I dunno, you can decide for yourself. But get another opinion from say your local electronics expert or something.
Good luck with however you decide to go.