Tuesday, Mar 29, 2011 at 14:34
It is not the increase of the fee, but the timing.
"The scheme has been developed to provide permit holders access to sites within the native title areas as listed in the new information booklet attached to and part of the permit. The permit covers the permit holder, their passenger(s) and their nominated vehicle. The permit is non – transferable and allows entry to visit approved sites as listed in the permit. It covers the length of the
Canning Stock Route from wells 5 to 40 as from February 2011. Access from the south and north or through adjacent properties is not provided by this permit and compliance with existing arrangements for passage through these roads and properties is the responsibility of the traveller."
As from February 2011 the new fees are applied.
It is on the 4wd Association news letter March 2011.
If they want to increase fees it should be from January 2012, not a few months before the start of the touring season
Commercial operators have not as yet been hit with an increase, but it will only be a matter of time.
"The permit fee has been increased to $100 for individual travellers. Until further notice the fee for a commercial operator’s vehicle is $250. Revenue from these fees funds the administration of the permit system and protection of environmental, cultural and
heritage values of the
Canning Stock Route by Traditional Owners."