Friday, May 06, 2011 at 14:56
Hi Rockape
Rockape posted:
[1]I am with you, I will ask how come I can plug a dinky cable that is rated at 5 amps and has a 10a plug on it and has a 15a circuit breaker protecting that 10a power point.
[2]How come I can plug in my three phase welder with a 30 or 40 amp lead and a 63a plug on it into a 63a outlet protected by a 63a circuit breaker.
[3]I know the circuit breaker is only there to protect the outlet wiring so the lead is not really protected at all from overload.
[4]if you put a constant 15a load on a 15a lead with 15a plug top and socket I bet within no time you will start to melt the plug or socket, especially if you are plugged into a caravan park power point that is suffering from old age and the spring tension on the pins is weak. This is when melt downs and fires will start.
[5]I am more worried about a lead lying on the ground than the legalities of the plugs on a lead
I'll take them point by point:
[1]I am not sure where you obtained such a lead AS IT DOES NOT COMPLY WITH ANOTHER standard Which states the supply cable SHALL be not be lower rated than the attached plug
Now I know that & one stage computer leads with underrated cables were available, they are now banned under the standards
Some were used for other purposes &CAUSED FIRES!!!
In fact I have personally seen the results. quite messy!!
[2] Welding machines are a special group with special rules .
They have high current draw for intermittent periods & this is taken into consideration UNDER THE RULES
IT"S referred to as DIVERSITY factor
[3] you have that one right
[4],Again you have that one right & THAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH A 10AMP PLUG THAT CAN SUPPLY A 15plus amp load
just another little point ,circuit breakers do not magically trip immediately they go beyond their rated current
They can typically carry a 25% overload current for 2hrs before tripping
So a 10 amp outlet could be subjected to 20amps for 2hrs BEFORE THE BREAKER WOULD TRIP think of that if the plug or socket is a little poor .
Then you should add the switch into the equation TOO
HOW is that for a bit to think about CAPTAIN?
5] that is also concerns but again because some do not understand the risks .
The standards specify that the cable SHALL be protected from damage.!