EvaKool Fridge


We have an EvaKool portable fridge freezer RFE60 that we have been having a few problems with.

The Evakool web site states that when the ambient temp. is 32' the freezer should get down to -25' when the dial is set at 8 Normal.

The ambient temp at the moment is 21' and with the same settings we are only getting -13' in the freezer.

The walls of the freezer are only frosted on the bottom 1/3rd. The rest while cold does not frost over. We have run the fridge on maximum and while it did get down to -26' the walls of the freezer did not change.

Can other owners of Evakools please advise if the frosting in their freezer unit reaches to the top of the wall?

We would appreciate any comments from other owners and thank you in advance.
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Reply By: Patrol22 - Saturday, Jun 04, 2011 at 17:19

Saturday, Jun 04, 2011 at 17:19
I have the RF47 and it gets down to -18 and lower on a setting of around 7 on normal. I don't get frost on much of the evaporator and from my quite limited knowledge of refrigeration I believe that the less frost the better.
AnswerID: 456364

Reply By: Notso - Saturday, Jun 04, 2011 at 17:39

Saturday, Jun 04, 2011 at 17:39
At the temperatures you are setting it at, yes it would normally frost up the panel.

Does the unit run for longer periods than it used to?

I had a problem with mine after about 10 years it ran for excessive time and eventually wouldn't shut off at all. It needed re gassing. Back to normal now.
AnswerID: 456365

Reply By: Member - Alex B - Sunday, Jun 05, 2011 at 08:41

Sunday, Jun 05, 2011 at 08:41
Hi Rowdy,
I have found their after sales service very good and helpful.
Best shot would be to give them a call and see what they say.

Alex B

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AnswerID: 456418

Reply By: trainslux - Sunday, Jun 05, 2011 at 14:11

Sunday, Jun 05, 2011 at 14:11
With fridge running near maximum, check the frost line on your evaporator plate (bit in the fridge thats white with tubes in it.

You should get frosting over all the tube lines (for want of a better term) and then the waffle plate at the end, where it goes square, instead of a straight tube, should also frost on maximum.
This is where the final evaporation takes place so you dont get liquid refrigerant over run on the suction side of your compressor.

If not, then your down on refrigerant charge, meaning there is not enough to be pumped through the capillary tube, and into the low pressure side in the evaporator where it does just that, evaporates from a liquid to a gas, thats the noise you can hear of it evaporating when the compressor turns off and you hear it bubble away.
Thats what causes the fridge to cool, or absorb heat.

If a low charge, then all the pumped liquid evaporates before it reaches the end of the evaporator tubes and waffle plate, thus not cooling like it could, even with the compressor running non stop.
You most often see a line where it is evaporating to and thus cold, then its no longer frost but moisture where it can no longer cool due to insufficient refrigerant charge.

Remedy is to vac down your system, check and find leaks if any, fix, then correctly recharge with required refrigerant checking amp draw and the frosting line on the evaporator to ensure its correctly charged, as some systems may take a bit more than others or less.
Just topping is not really the answer, as it brings in other problems, or may cover over an existing one.

This applies to all fridges, hope that you find this helpful.



AnswerID: 456445

Follow Up By: Member - Rowdy6032 (WA) - Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 at 17:26

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 at 17:26
Hi Trains

Sorry about the late reply.

Thanks for the explanation you have given us, very appreciative. It must have taken you some time.

We have been having ongoing problems with this fridge.

EvaKool have gone out of their way to be helpful but the problem has persisted.

The fridge will be returned to EvaKool for a further look.
FollowupID: 731576

Reply By: gbc - Sunday, Jun 05, 2011 at 20:46

Sunday, Jun 05, 2011 at 20:46
Contact evakool. They had a few a while ago that left the factory undergassed.
AnswerID: 456499

Reply By: Ricardo-EVAKOOL - Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 07:48

Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 07:48
Hi Rowdy,

This is Ricardo from Evakool in Caloundra.

Please give me a call on 07 5492 7777 so we can discuss your issues furthur and I can give you a solution.


AnswerID: 456528

Reply By: fisho64 - Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 at 22:05

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 at 22:05
its short of gas for some reason.
AnswerID: 458201

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