moving map gps system for trip

Submitted: Saturday, Jul 16, 2011 at 17:19
ThreadID: 87600 Views:2440 Replies:4 FollowUps:7
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hi all, i am in the midst of planning a trip in October from Maitland in N.S.W to the Flinders ranges . We will be travelling out through Broken Hill and into South Aust.
The only problem that i have is using a moving map gps setup. I have a laptop, but i am sure that my darling wife will not appreciate having the lapo on her lap for the duration of the trip. I have heard of Androids,eepc's etc, but i am as dumb as the proverbial Night Soil Carters Horse when it comes to these new names and devices.
I just want a system that uses a gps mouse and tablet/android/eepc etc and runs ozi explorer,and doesnt need me to give up our first born to own the system.
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Reply By: Member - Todd S (QLD) - Saturday, Jul 16, 2011 at 17:41

Saturday, Jul 16, 2011 at 17:41
Hi Geoff

I use the Oziexplorer quite a bit for my bike riding and have the software setup on a Notebook/eeepc, Tablet (touch screen operated) PC, Chinese ($150 windows mobile based) GPS and a HTC (android) smartphone. They all work great and depending on what your doing you take the device that suits best.

I use the PC/Laptop based ozi to do my planning etc 'cos its just easier with a 'normal' computer, the full version of ozi and the internet etc. I use the Chinese GPS on the bikes 'cos they are smaller (5" screen), touch screen operated (so I can use them with my bike kit on IE gloves) and very portable. I have the Phone setup on test as the Android version is pretty new but I ALWAYS have me phone so I always have a copy of Ozi and my Hema 250k Australian Topo maps with me. Makes a good backup device in case the other has a nanna nap :-)

If your in a vehicle then I would recommend a windows based tablet or a eeepc type device 'cos you have the best of both worlds. The full functionality of the PC version of ozi AND a bigger screen so you can use it in the vehicle without glasses (if your half blind without them like me)

The Chinese GPS setup is the cheapest at about $150 for a 5-7" unit but the eeepc or tablet is really only about $6-700. So it depends on your budget and how big you need the screen. I got my GPS on ebay so have a look on there for an Australian supplier that does them.

Hope that helps.
AnswerID: 460098

Follow Up By: Member - Geoff the chef (NSW)M - Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 07:28

Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 07:28
thanks Todd,i will got to harvey's or joyce's today and see what they can offer.
FollowupID: 733758

Follow Up By: Member - John R (cQld) - Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 20:50

Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 20:50
Hi Todd

I'm hoping to try Ozi on an Android gps phone when it arrives. Did you have any problems setting up the phone, Ozi, or the maps to get it all to work?

Cheers, John
FollowupID: 733891

Reply By: Member - Stephen L (Clare SA) - Saturday, Jul 16, 2011 at 18:05

Saturday, Jul 16, 2011 at 18:05
Hi Geoff
Firstly have a great trip, as you are heading into great country.

We travelled for a good number of years with the laptop sitting on the passengers lap, and to be honest it is a real pain. When we were heading bush again one year, Fiona said that if I wanted to take here, she was point blank refusing to nurse a laptop for the whole trip.

To overcome the issue, I purchased a small netbook that now is secured to the centre are rest in the consul and it works a treat. I also have a HN5 which in Ozi mode is just as good as the laptop.

Here are a couple of images of our now in car navigation for our bush trips. I still use the netbook for greater details when I log the track files as we travel.

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Image Could Not Be Found

Like many travellers here on the forum, Ozi is a must for remote trips and all other type of holidays where we want to keep your track files which can be very hand for further use at a later date.


Smile like a Crocodile

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AnswerID: 460102

Follow Up By: Member - Geoff the chef (NSW)M - Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 07:45

Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 07:45
Thanks Stephen, your setup looks quite good and functional.Is it powered from an inverter or is it wired into the cars 12 volt system.?
On to the other need for this system, we (Robyne and me) are really looking forward to the trip into your territory.We only have 1 month from start to finish, and hope to see as much as possible in that time.
thanks again Stephen.
FollowupID: 733760

Follow Up By: Member - Stephen L (Clare SA) - Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 09:20

Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 09:20
Hi Geoff

I use a pure sine wave inverter that is used for a number of charging items including other laptop computers that we take for writing up the days events and photos, charging the video recorder battery, digital camera batteries and if in mobile phone coverage areas, mobile phone charging.

When you get to the Flinders, do not rush your stay, as there is just so much to see. Check out a number of Trek files here on OE that I have put up. Thee country is ever changing, from steep gorge country to blue bush covered plains.
One drive that we have done a number of times is the Nuccaleena Mine site which is regarded as the most intact old mine site in the Flinders.

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Then you have all the scenic gorges, Sacred Canyon and many great drives. Another great Lookout is the Pugilist Hill Lookout, which looks back towards Wilpena Pound and gives you an overview of the general shape of the Pound.

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If you enjoy walking or Hikes, there are easy to very long hikes that will reward you again with stunning scenery. The Wilpena Homestead walk is also a great history pack easy walk out near the airstrip.

Enjoy the Flinders.


Smile like a Crocodile

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FollowupID: 733766

Reply By: Member - Garth (NSW) - Saturday, Jul 16, 2011 at 21:35

Saturday, Jul 16, 2011 at 21:35
I have a slight variant of the others. I stick the laptop under the passengers seat and use an 8"touchscreen monitor mounted behind the gearshift (Prado 90series). I use a mouse gps on the roof and like the others run Oziexplorer. I also run Garmins nRoute as well. To share the gps signal between Ozi and nRoute i use a product called gpsgate. Bought the monitor off eBay.

I've seen some nice touchscreen monitors that fit into a standard radio/CD slot in the dash and pop in and out as required.


AnswerID: 460129

Follow Up By: Member - Geoff the chef (NSW)M - Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 07:54

Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 07:54
Hi Garth,
yes all the setups are are good,and slightly different. I will be using a gps mouse, i have garmin's nRoute as well.Also i have a garmin nuvi and also an etrex.Now with a gps mouse setup, if and when i get losti should be able to know roughly where i went wrong.
Thanks for the info Garth.
FollowupID: 733761

Reply By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Saturday, Jul 16, 2011 at 22:42

Saturday, Jul 16, 2011 at 22:42
I run 2 systems:

#1 For detail, I use ozi on an old Tosh computer which runs directly off 12V and is hooked up to a remote indash screen. The tosh lives in a padded pocket in the centre console.

#2 I also have a $99 Tomtom Start - download a freeware program called TTMAPS and it will run the Auslig Msaic 250k as well as other .ecw maps - I can run the Hema Great desert maps as well. The Tomtom has 2Gig of memory - bargain of the century!! and its a great backup when I can't be bothered using the computer.
AnswerID: 460136

Follow Up By: Member - Geoff the chef (NSW)M - Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 08:12

Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 08:12
hi Phil,
thanks for the input,but the tosh lapo that i am using at the moment i feel is too big for what i want. I just checked the voltage on the bottom of the lapo, and it says 15 volts,so i would have to use the inverter for power.
thanks again Phil.
FollowupID: 733763

Follow Up By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 09:40

Sunday, Jul 17, 2011 at 09:40
Gday Geoff,

My Tosh says 15Volts too, but runs fine directly off 12Volts it gets 14.0 volts when you're driving along. The only problem is that the battery may not charge fully but I don't find that a problem. The battery will probably be a 9.6V Lithium. I've been using old Tosh laptops this way for the past 8 years, and they are solid units that work fine off 12V.

Mine is a normal size laptop, but sits folded in a pocket when being used. I have a traytop too so I know space is an issue. In years gone by I tried a laptop mounted in the cab and it was hopeless - always in the way. When folded in a pocket, it doesn't get in the way. Being an old laptop, all the power, USB and video leads come out the back of the laptop which makes it very easy to bundle the leads with some split conduit, so theres no spaghetti. A few photos may explain it better. The remote screen is in dash, so just pop it out when I need it. I have a Tomtom now where that phone was mounted on the windscreen.

FollowupID: 733773

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