Nissan X-trail FYI

Submitted: Monday, Dec 01, 2003 at 12:13
ThreadID: 8878 Views:2535 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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I ahve noticed that there has been some discussions regarding the X-trail and it's worthyness to be classed as a 4WD. I have owned one for the past year and it has been great. I have even forded small rivers in it with a few bump's from the rocks underneath. The muffler and CAT are a bith dented but they work very well.

I am part of an Australian X-trail group, there are some cool pics and a movie of what the x-trail can do, this guy traversed a large crack with no worries where the landrover struggled, have a look

I have not noticed that my 4WD lock mode disappears after 30km/h, My in-laws own 30,000 acres in the tenterfiled mountains and I have never noticed it to disappear, it has always remained in the lock position even at 80km/h onteh dirt road, well on the screen it shows as bein gon anyway.

Apparently you can increase the torque with a custom Fuel management chip to assist in the lack of low range abilities.

I did manage to take the x-trail on a very large gradient and it coped vey well until I reached the top and it just didn't have the legs, I had to give it heaps of revs to get it over the top, I have been doing the sums for an after market turbo to contol the lack of power in large gradients.

I look forward to your feed back here or in our x-trail discussion group.

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Reply By: Bazza - Monday, Dec 01, 2003 at 12:40

Monday, Dec 01, 2003 at 12:40
G,Day Jules,
I'm interested. Is there a problem with your address/direction? I'm unable to connect.
AnswerID: 39036

Follow Up By: Julius - Monday, Dec 01, 2003 at 13:59

Monday, Dec 01, 2003 at 13:59
Mmm, try cutting and pasting the address in to your web address line.
or e-mail me at home and I can send you the link again.

FollowupID: 82861

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