Karijini National Park ~ Tragedy.

G'day All

This is a reminder for anyone who intends visiting and exploring Karijini National Park, more so now because of the school holidays.

A man, 31 years of age, died whilst trying to rescue his seven year old son.

The little fellow ~ fell down an embankment somewhere along the Dales Gorge walking track, the father attempted to rescue the boy and apparently had managed to grab hold of his leg ~ they both fell some 15 metres ~ the boy survived the fall, but he is in a critical but stable condition, in Perth's Princess Margaret Hospital.

A tragedy ~ but again the Dangerously beautiful Karijini Gorges claim another life.

Safe Travels : especially with young children.
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Reply By: Joe - Wednesday, Oct 05, 2011 at 14:07

Wednesday, Oct 05, 2011 at 14:07
I can’t say that I am hugely surprised – Karajini has some walks that are close to dangerous positions.

On one walk we did there the little yellow pointers that you follow took us to the edge of a cliff. I looked over the edge (carefully) to see that the pointers went straight down the cliff face for maybe three or four metres before continuing along a ledge and then on down to the gorge floor. We had to climb down this part of the cliff face and if we fell off then we could well have bounced over the edge of the ledge and on down into the gorge many metres below.

The climb was easy with lots of foot and hand holds, but the whole area is like that.

Still, you don’t expect bitumen paths and hand rails in remote places like that.

I feel for the guy’s family though.
AnswerID: 466841

Follow Up By: Member - Joe F (WA) - Wednesday, Oct 05, 2011 at 16:36

Wednesday, Oct 05, 2011 at 16:36
Image Could Not Be FoundG'day Joe

Yes mate it is a real shame the bloke died, trying to save his sons life, but it just seems to strengthen the point of looking after your kids and even more so when you are out of your so called comfort zone.

Karijini and all places remote and spectacular have a genuine dangerous element about them, these places are hostile environments, that's why we prepare to the absolute best of our ability to make sure a trip into the Great Sandy Desert ~ Rudall River N/P or Karijini N/P does not go wrong and come back to haunt us ~ for ever.

The bloke is dead, the boy is in a bad way, the mother and remaining family will possibly hate Karijini with a passion because of what happened ~ not nice at all for the family and friends, but will any body learn from this tragic episode ~ I think not !!

Safe Travels :

FollowupID: 740970

Follow Up By: Member-George (WA) - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 13:45

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 13:45
Most rock formation in the Karijini N/P gorges become treacherous, especially when wet. Appropriate footware should always be worn. Seen too many wearing thongs. Cheers
FollowupID: 741034

Reply By: Member - Wayne B (NSW) - Wednesday, Oct 05, 2011 at 20:39

Wednesday, Oct 05, 2011 at 20:39
Last year we went to Kings Canyon, I could not believe three guys sitting on the edge of a massive cliff with their legs dangling over the side. Makes you wonder some times.
Image Could Not Be Found
AnswerID: 466869

Reply By: BrownyGU - Wednesday, Oct 05, 2011 at 23:21

Wednesday, Oct 05, 2011 at 23:21

Tragic story, I visited karajini recently with my wife and 8 year old, I remember peering over the edge with my young bloke close by, don't know want went wrong in this case, but gee it's tragic !

AnswerID: 466874

Follow Up By: Member - Joe F (WA) - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 12:59

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 12:59
Image Could Not Be FoundImage Could Not Be FoundG'day Browny

Like all tragic stories there are solid reasons for the tragedy occurring.

In this recent Karijini tragedy no real detail has been released to the public and like all sensitive issues the family needs to be protected from public scrutiny.

I up loaded two images for consideration, the very beautiful Kalamina Gorge in the Karijini N/P.

I travel to Karijini N/P and the Rudall River N/Ps around 8 times each throughout the year, I could write a book, with pictures, on the dumb arse things people do and at most times get away with, so no one is the wiser as to what might have happened !!

My image up load is out of sinc ~ but if you study the second image, you can see the gorge floor ~ some 12 to 15 metres below the massive Paper Bark Tree, now look at the other image ~ same place but a few minutes apart, now this fine example of a Boozed Bronzed Ozzie ~ shimmied out on the tree ~ possibly to impress his mates or his woman. But if you know anything about the bark of a Paper Bark Tree, its loose and quite slippery.

This hero was a shaking mess when he got back to terra firma.

Safe travels :

FollowupID: 741027

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