Travelling around oz 2004

Submitted: Thursday, Dec 04, 2003 at 20:25
ThreadID: 8972 Views:2204 Replies:2 FollowUps:3
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Hi there
Is there anyone out there who is travelling up the West Coast as far as the Kimberley , starting April. I would love to hear from you?

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Reply By: Mike - Friday, Dec 05, 2003 at 01:04

Friday, Dec 05, 2003 at 01:04
Jan and I will be travelling up the West Coast leaving Perth on Monday 12/4/04 and heading for the Kimberley. We have some LSL and intend returning to Perth in July. We will spend some time, a week or so, at Cape Keraudren with some friends as we make our way. Are in the process of planning our itinerary.

Jan & Mike
Down Under Camper and GU 4.2td
AnswerID: 39489

Follow Up By: Deirdre - Friday, Dec 05, 2003 at 13:48

Friday, Dec 05, 2003 at 13:48
Thanks so much for your reply. I will only know early Jan exactly when I will be able to start my travels. Looks like early April at this stage. May I keep in touch. I will be travelling around Australia for 1-2 years. I am buying a Nissan Patrol (bit of a workhorse I believe) . It would be wonderful to know that I can communicate with likeminded friends. I will need all the help I can get. I am a bit wary of venturing into the unknown with little experience and alone, but have no option. Got to meet Australians and see this wonderful country. May I bleed you for information should the need arise?

FollowupID: 257192

Reply By: Rob H - Friday, Dec 05, 2003 at 10:45

Friday, Dec 05, 2003 at 10:45
Hi Dierdre

We'll be up the West Coast in March, aiming for April 1 in Broome to spend all of the month in the Kimberley.
AnswerID: 39503

Follow Up By: Deirdre - Friday, Dec 05, 2003 at 14:00

Friday, Dec 05, 2003 at 14:00
Hi Rob
good to hear from you. I feel so much better if I can communicate with fellow travellers . This is my maiden voyage. I am taking a couple of years off , buying a 4wd and heading around this country. Need to meet real Australians and see this vast and beautiful country. I would really love to keep in touch- maybe glean some useful tips and info and who knows I may bump into you along the way

I will know early Jan exactly when in April I will be travelling. Got to fit out my chariot first and do a 4wd course. I must be nuts doing this thing on my own. Travelling around the Kimberley is a must on my agenda . I am going to join a tag along tour. Costs a fortune but at least Its a good chance to learn what 4wdving is all about. Before I head over the top end and down into Queensland.

I would like to keep in touch if possible. You sound like seasoned travellers and I need all the help and info I can get.

FollowupID: 257195

Follow Up By: Rob H - Friday, Dec 05, 2003 at 15:37

Friday, Dec 05, 2003 at 15:37
Hi Dierdre

Don't be too disappointed but
1. I'm not Australian; and
2. Not a seasoned traveller

I've been working in Darwin for 2 years, and me and the family (wife, 3yr old and 9mth old) decided that rather than just go home to the UK at the end of our time, we would do THE BIG TRIP. We've done lots of camping around the Territory, with a little bit of 4wdriving, but nothing compared to what I image the west coast and kimberleys will be.

More than happy to keep in touch -

Re your tag along tour, if it's that expensive, why bother? I'm guessing there will be any number of people around who will be more than happy to hook up for a few days and explore together. That way you get to save your $$$'s for all the other things that you're having to buy - compressors, 4wd recovery kit, etc.
FollowupID: 257208

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