Monday, Jan 23, 2012 at 23:15
Hi Duncs. Agree whole heartedly with you and I'd hope I could snare a vehicle with at least what you say I should be able to get.
My immediate need if the car didn't have it would be a duel battery system,
suspension upgrade, minimum A/T tyres,
snorkel, winch bar (winch can come
well down the track), LR fuel tank over and above the standard 2 tanks. A full length set of drawers and diff lockers.
I made my last drawers and they've done me proud but a nice set of Black Widow or similar would be nice and having got used to front and rear ARB diff lockers I'd some how feel lost without them.
I want a diesel, for the economy, range & safety. I've currently got a very thirsty petrol car & it can be very restrictive with where I go and for how long I go. Catalytic converters and spinifex also don't mix and carrying the amount of fuel I've sometimes needed to do on the roof rack also ain't that safe either.
To get my current car to where it is now cost me a fortune and 6 years or so to do it all, but hey that's part of the fun.