Perth to Brisbane

Submitted: Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 10:32
ThreadID: 95370 Views:2243 Replies:4 FollowUps:2
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We have been invited by friends that stayed with us this week to come visit them in Brizzie...well just to the north actually.
Can anyone give me an insight to realistic travel time and recommended route? We'd be taking our van so that has to be considered in the route planning. Although we don't want to feel we are racing across, the destination and time there is the priority.

Any advice welcome, especially from anyone that may have done the trip. Being self employed, big trips like this, time wise, give me a headache!!!

Cheers all.
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Reply By: Ron N - Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 11:06

Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 11:06
Arsenal Phill - I've done Perth to Brisbane with a mate in my HDJ80 Landcruiser (turbo diesel, auto). I made it 4400kms in total.
It's a long way, and it'll take you 7 days realistically, at least. We did it in just over 40hrs driving over 3 days, but we were moving it, weren't towing anything, and we weren't sightseeing.
Google Maps gives you pretty much the general route. The only thing I would change with the Google recommendation, is that you cut through from Black Rock to Peterborough to join up with the Barrier Hwy to Broken Hill.

In addition, you can choose to travel the more remote regions route through Western NSW, via the Google recommendation of Cobar-Bourke-Brewarrina-Collarenebri-Walgett-Moree - or you can go the route I took, through Cobar-Ningan-Gilgandra-Coonabarabran-Narrabri-Moree.

The Newell Hwy is the worst part of the trek (Gilgandra Northwards to Brisbane). It's full of speeding big trucks doing the Melb-Brisbane run, and it's in relatively poor condition for an important national highway. The rest of the highways are excellent.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1920&bih=955&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

Cheers - Ron.
AnswerID: 485038

Follow Up By: Member - Rod N (QLD) - Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 13:07

Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 13:07
I mostly agree with Ron. We have just been from Melbourne to Toowoomba in the last week over 4 days, There weren't all that many trucks on the Newell and there are a number of straight stretches and overtaking lanes for them to pass. The Gore Highway from Goondiwindi to Toowoomba is also in poor condition and had quite a few trucks. I think it depends on the time of day as to the number of trucks on the road.
FollowupID: 760295

Reply By: Nomadic Navara - Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 15:27

Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 15:27
We allow at least 10 days travelling time for Sydney/Perth.

Your round trip will be around 8800 km. If you can manage on 15 l/100 km fuel at $1.60 per litre that will cost over $2100.00. If you add servicing, tyres and a little for wear ad tare you can double that. I would be looking at flying and perhaps hiring a vehicle at the destination if you are not wanting to make at least a 5 week trip out of it.
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AnswerID: 485047

Reply By: brushmarx - Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 19:10

Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 19:10
I think you will get a range of "realistic" times between five days and ten days, because everyone seems to have different abilities, needs and desires.
We came across through Southern Cross, across the Nullarbor, through Broken Hill, Cobar, Goondawindi (probably spelled that wrong) and through to the South side of Brissie a couple of January's ago.
We towed a camper trailer, travelled at the speed limit, and it took 5 days, with the longest days drive about 12 hours, and only one driver.
We didn't stop for touristy things, had no flat tyres or breakdowns and except for one night, had the camper set up and the meal cooked well before dark, and didn't leave until well after first light, breakfast and packing up.
Personally, I think it would depend on a heap of factors that probably only you can answer.
Sure, a longer time will give you more relaxing time, tourist stops, long smoko's etc. but sometimes you just have to get somewhere without delaying too many things.
Enjoy yourselves.
AnswerID: 485069

Reply By: Motherhen - Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 21:29

Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 21:29
Hi Phill

Our quickest ever trip was from the SW to Bundaberg to purchase our caravan. We did it in four days - but it was exhausting. As we took the short cut virtually due east to Norseman, it would have been shorter than from Perth. No sightseeing, no stopping to take photos nor stopping for lunch which i prepared on a tray on my lap before i took the next driving shift. It meant getting up before dawn and leaving at first light, then stopping when it got dark. It was over Easter, so days were longer than this time of year. I reckon you want to double that time frame just to go directly there without any sightseeing; particularly when towing. We would not drive after dark, particularly on the Eyre Highway. Of course we were not towing at the time.

Compared to other ES highways, we have found the parts of the Newell we have travelled on easy going and relatively free from trucks.


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AnswerID: 485083

Follow Up By: Ron N - Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 23:57

Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 23:57
Well, I don't know when all you people that never saw many trucks on the Newell Hwy, travelled along it - but this following report on the Newell, drawn up by the NRMA, states (and I quote) ...

"The percentage of trucks using the highway is significant with trucks representing one in every two vehicles in certain sections (e.g. between West Wyalong and Parkes, and Narrabri and the Queensland border) and 35% of all vehicles on average. This compares with a figure of 10-20% for the Pacific Highway (PB, 2006)."

The Newell has been one of the worst highways in Australia for many years. Back in the '90's it was a shocker - bumpy, twisty, and full of dangerous curves, and speeding trucks. It has been the scene of some of the worst truck accidents in Australia (right behind the Northern part of the Pacific Hwy).

Since the late 1990's the Newell has received some attention from road authorties - but it's still not enough. It's still the major artery between Melbourne and Brisbane, and if the trucks don't appear to be there in numbers, it's because you've travelled at a time (possibly morning) when the truck traffic was lighter.

Cheers - Ron.
FollowupID: 760333

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