Thursday, Jun 14, 2012 at 21:33
i made my own long range tank, 102ltrs with dints!!
its heavy and the extra weight isnt welcome when i dont need it, 2h slugger! hj47 tray.
i too would next time go down the plastic tank in the tray, quick disconnect, 12vlt transfer pump, and remove when not required, but being plastic it could stay on the vehicle as not much weight to carry around.
i dont have much room to play with on my gvm, soo weight is critical.
cost wise id be in front with the plastic tank too, time making template, cut, folding, tacking up, install and welding takes TIME.
then if it leaks you got to pull it out and grind weld, and re weld it.
aluminium isnt an option either, as the weld
pool is full of porous holes, and to repair a leak would be a nightmare, as the diesel would soak into the material.
if weight isnt an issue, long range it, if it is then go the plastic route.
my main is only 60, soo i had to make a long range tank, one day i want to make a bigger main tank, and get a plastic tank as 2nd tank.