Oztent & Black Wolf Turbo
Submitted: Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 11:18
This Thread has been Archived
Looking through the threads (7990) back to October the new OxtentRV and the Black Wolf Turbo were a couple of tents new to the market.
Views seemed positive but no-one had actually used them at that stage. I'm hoping 3 months down the track, someone knows what theyre like "warts & all". I'm considering selling the camper trailer & going back to tents. Whilst I'll miss the storage room, the petrol cost and distance between fills makes trailers less attractive especially when doing
Canning Stock Route & similar long trips.
Reply By: ExplorOz Team - David - Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 13:00
Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 13:00
No comments on the tents - but we went from camper to tents and now to swags. Swags are so easy and perfect on the longer trips where you expect to be on the move more than camped. Anyway it is food for thought - these days they are so comfortable and easy to setup and pack up. I think our setup/pack up times are at least 50% faster with the swags and you can keep all sleeping gear in the one place.
Sorry to break your topic away from your question but you may want to make this consideration.Regards
ExplorOz Team - David
Always working, not enough travelling ;-)
Follow Up By: Bitsumishin - Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 14:21
Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 14:21
Thanks David, I too thought of swags but she who must be obeyed said it doesn't give you enough room to get changed in & with 2 little takkers, 4 swags would take up a fair bit of space. It's a good thought though
Follow Up By: Member - Peter (York) - Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 19:09
Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 19:09
I have tried it all we have enough tents in the shed to open a small camping
shop plus a caravan and camper trailer plus swags , the best I have found is my latest set up a GU tray back with a fiberglass conopy , it is light weight ,always packed to go we can fit a double mattress cross ways with room to spear ,I have a canvas orning that comes of the back and drops down for privacy and shade. No more towing or putting up tents in the rain it is water tight and worm the boss loves the idea of sleeping off the ground , just my 2 cents worth .OH
YEA its a tax deduction of my business yaaaaaaaaaaaTelfer mines rd
York 4x4
Reply By: Mick - Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 16:02
Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 16:02
I don't think you can beat the centre pole design from any of the local manufacturers. Peg the base and one pole up the middle - they are so easy and very strong.
Well and truly "tried and proven". Maybe the 13X9 extended model if you have kids. Just an extra ridge pole and still very quick to erect and pull down. I was quite unimpressed with the original OZtent. Haven't seen the new one though. I've also found that there are many centre pole tents in use by 4wders so that's always a good indication - especially in "serious" off road situations - not just a quick trip to
the beach, if you know what I mean.
Reply By: Member - Peter (York) - Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 18:59
Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 18:59
Keep a look out in the local papers and see if there many ads for the tents you are looking at in the 2nd hand this should give you a bit of an idea if people are happy with them or are already selling them offTelfer mines rd
York 4x4
Follow Up By: Bitsumishin - Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 12:43
Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 12:43
I've been doing that & on that basis the Oz or the Centrepole designs must both be great. I like your first idea but I don't think the boss will let me trade jsut yet. It doesn't look must like a GU in the photo though?!?!?
Follow Up By: Member - Peter (York) - Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 17:29
Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 17:29
waiting on some good photos from christmas holidays Telfer mines rd
York 4x4
Reply By: Joe - Monday, Jan 12, 2004 at 18:10
Monday, Jan 12, 2004 at 18:10
Yes it does erect in 30 secs, but then you still have to peg it and peg the guy ropes. If you do'nt and it gets windy and tumbles the tent the slotted frame will bend.
I rang oz to see if it was ok to just peg the base only, they of course recommend peg base and ropes.
It is 3Mx3M standing up is fine, good quality fittings.
It's almost 2m long so it has to go diagonally on the roof rack to fit
30kg weight is ok to handle by my self.
Good awning featiure
The one centre pole models talked by about I have not tried and can not compare,but they sound good too.
Reply By: Phil - Monday, Jan 19, 2004 at 16:54
Monday, Jan 19, 2004 at 16:54
A belated response to your query on the Turbo tent,( I also posted a response to 7990 in October but at that time had not used the tent) Have since then used the tent twice and am very happy with it. It goes up and comes down quickly, and appears
well made. Have only used it in summer conditions, with no wind or rain, but it looks like it will handle these
well. As in my earlier response not 100% sure how the aluminium poles will stand up over time, and I note that the "knuckle" joint where the upright poles turn to the roof might cause wear as they rub the tent fabric ( I put some padding in there to avoid the problem)
It seems like a good compromise particulary where you need to erect
camp daily, but is not as heavy duty as the quality single pole canvas tents, which may be a factor for your planned trips.
Follow Up By: Bitsumishin - Monday, Jan 19, 2004 at 17:57
Monday, Jan 19, 2004 at 17:57
Thanks Phil, it's great to get a first hand opinion. All these options at first glance seem very expensive but when you think about it, the campers worth $5,000- so I'd still be in fron t even if I bought two of these (1 for the kids & one for big kids)