Tuesday, Jan 20, 2004 at 22:53
Evening Wayne
I have Troopy that weighs 3.5t fully loaded.
Nearly all of its trips (30,000Kms worth) have been from
Melbourne into the desert areas -
Border Track Flinders, Arkaroola, Inaminka, Qld
Bourke & Wills Dig Tree,
Bore Track, Camerons Cnr,
Cordillo Downs,
Birdsville, Poepells Cnr etc and of course that poxing Broken Hill/
Tibooburra road.
I ran BFG'S A/T'S for those 30,000kms at 50psi R and 40psi F except for the Birdsville/Poepells Cnr/
Mungerannie Hotel sector 18 - 36psi.
Never had a
puncture, however after returning to
Melbourne after the Poepells Cnr trip (Last one) I had a blowout just out of
Renmark on the Bitumen. Blew the whole side wall out, absolutely amazing sight/result.
A full inspection in
Melbourne revealed lumps/chips ripped out of the tyres and a myriad of sidewall cracks in all remaining 3 BFG'S.
The lumps/chips I put down to the Cordillo Downs/Great Stony Desert. Also I didn't/don't and will not spare tyres where the conditions allow a tad of speed. If they live up to the crap that is spewed out about them they should take it.
The sidewall cracks are another thing again. I strongly suspect (nearly believe) that 18psi was too low through the dunes. I had a heap of 'bounce' which I noticed disappeared when I raised the rear pressure to 36psi. (possibly a bit too high).
Anyway the punchline of all this is that the BFG'S never had a
puncture even though flogged unmerciffully, suffered sidewall degradation (why ????) chipping and missing lumps, and were 66.5% worn after 30,000.
I have replaced the lot with Cooper ST'S to see how they go, no real reason other than the advertising spiel and those sidewall cracks. They are something to behold.
I have retained the 3 remaining BFG'S as spare casings, sidewall cracks, chips and whatever else.
This might give you a few extra thoughts on tyres and help you make up your mind.
Ken Robinson