Red Belly

Submitted: Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 14:56
ThreadID: 9951 Views:2139 Replies:5 FollowUps:6
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Hi guys,

Just got home from a short working trip down to the farm in
Taralga....(Golbourn way). Grass was kinda long for a change so
parked the GQ under the usual shaded tree near dam...Did some
canoing and caught some yabbies for dinner. Packed up headed home..
(Sydney). Unloaded the car,went inside had a drink. Dog was barking
its head off so i took a peek outside and saw a red belly black
snake wriggling its was from the car. Must have been under the GQ
while on the farm.
Dont worry ...its dead now, aint taking No chances with kids around.
Shovelled it to death, agressive bastard too, over 1 meter long and
looked like it just had a great feed too, dont ask me what or
where....all my kids were counted for though.

Just wanted to share that with u all just to remind you that it can
Regards Angelo
I love it when you talk DIRTY !
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Reply By: Member Colin - NSW Bungendore - Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 16:03

Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 16:03
Pity you had to kill it ! - they do get angry when someone is swinging a weapon at it.
I believe that most people are bitten while trying to kill a snake !!

I have had to do the same when I moved here 13 years ago - haven't seen a snake in 10 years.

The only other option is to call a 'snake catcher' - then you have to keep track of it until he arrives.Subaru Forester
"size isn't everything"
AnswerID: 43983

Follow Up By: cokeaddict - Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 20:19

Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 20:19
Hi Collin,
Yes i dont like killing anything mate, but in suburbia (sydney) with kids playing around the house i had to make a snap decision and i had to kill it. Didnt want it slithering off under the house never to be seen again until it bites a kid near the pool. Would hate myself if that happened knowing i let it go. So It had to be !!!I love it when you talk DIRTY !
FollowupID: 306243

Reply By: John from River City 4WD Club Inc. - Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 18:07

Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 18:07
And I bet you'll be paranoid every time you come home from the bush from now on. I picked up a snake from home once. Took it to the shops. Appeared out of the vents near the windscreen wipers of the GQ while doing 80k's. Gave the car a good hose when I got home and it slithered away. Tree snakes (fortunately) don't like water much. Always a bit hesitant when sticking my head under the bonnet or crawling under the car from then on. Certainly glad it wasn't a red belly though. I know they're protected and in most cases are just trying to get away and all that, but other than a tree snake or carpet snake the best snake is a not-so-alive snake. Especially in suburbia. Leave em in the bush where they belong in future Angelo :-)
AnswerID: 44007

Follow Up By: cokeaddict - Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 20:20

Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 20:20
Hi ohn,
Yes mate your right about the "Paranoia" thing. Already doing that even when i walk past the car to put rubbish out. I love it when you talk DIRTY !
FollowupID: 306245

Reply By: Member - Bob - Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 19:38

Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 19:38
I believe they can 'hoop' themselves around the wheel of the car and travel long distances before attacking you and your kids ;-)
We just get browns here (Wamboin near Bungendore)Bob
AnswerID: 44017

Follow Up By: cokeaddict - Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 20:28

Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 20:28
Hi Bob,
I was talking to a ranger friend this morning and he was telling me that they can actually wrap themselves around your tailshaft and stay there for hours. He said he had an incident once up in the sugar cane land where a king brown did just that to a car in front of him while stopped waiting for the cane train to pass. He said he saw it slither under the car and thats the last he saw of it, so he followed the car until he was side by side and told them what happened. Aparently the owner of the car freaked out and stopped in one big hurry and just ran out with her child in her arms. So my mate took a peek under the car and saw it looped around the tailshaft.

Was wondering if they get dizzy....would be funny seeing one slither across a path and loose its balance, but how would it fall ? lol laughing just trying to imagine it happening.
Cheers Angelo I love it when you talk DIRTY !
FollowupID: 306250

Follow Up By: Member Colin - NSW Bungendore - Friday, Jan 23, 2004 at 00:22

Friday, Jan 23, 2004 at 00:22
Hi there neighbour !!
"We just get browns here (Wamboin near Bungendore)"

Colin - Weeroona Drive Wamboin

Subaru Forester
"size isn't everything"
FollowupID: 306295

Follow Up By: Member - Bob - Friday, Jan 23, 2004 at 09:24

Friday, Jan 23, 2004 at 09:24
Poppet Rd.Bob
FollowupID: 306306

Reply By: Rick Blaine - Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 21:06

Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 21:06
I'm not a great lover of snakes either... was accosted by a red belly swimming in the uppershoalhaven river near braidwood... the bugger interupted the wife & I in the middle of what was a most intimate moment....The snake was swimming.. I was sort of standing leaning forward.. if you get my drift Im not usually into coitus innteruptus...
AnswerID: 44026

Follow Up By: cokeaddict - Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 21:30

Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 at 21:30
Hey rick,
Thanks for the info mate, always like to think of what im reading as i go. I assume your wife didnt read your story? As far as the snake in water goes...I suppose your lucky you were in the position you mentioned, I'd be assuming that snake was looking for a hole to sneak into for some rest.
Thats all im gonna say ...thank you very much
Alwasys knew that water was good for drinkin !!!!
CheersI love it when you talk DIRTY !
FollowupID: 306264

Reply By: guy (sydney) - Friday, Jan 23, 2004 at 07:26

Friday, Jan 23, 2004 at 07:26
Me and a mate went mountain biking at oxford falls (In sydney) about 2 weeks ago. And along one of the tracks is one of the biggest red belly blacks ive ever seen (Im originally from the bush). So i yelled out to my mate as i was speeding pass the snake at break neck speed "snake snake" and he thought i was saying "stop stop" so were did he stop thats right, right near where the snake took of in the bush. When i told him what i said and what i saw he quickly speed pass me!

AnswerID: 44067

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