I believe that this is relevant to this
forum and other forums and I would love to hear any constructive comments.
How often do you see things like “If you used the search function you would have found it at . . . . etc etc”. Or words to that effect. Most often than not, with a following link to a similar thread. But never have I seen the knowledgeable searcher give the exact text used in the search function. Never!!! And it is so critical what and how you enter a search string.
Defining the search string:
[i]My wife and I have been playing with computers at
home since 1983 when we got our first one. Personally I started in 1970 but that’s another story. I am yet to see my wife and I get exactly the same result from a search, including a Google, when we are both looking for the same thing. For example we are updating our laundry and for the life of me I cannot see how we both searched for a laundry tub and she got the one she wanted and I did not even get the same company. I know why. I called it a tub like my parents did and she called it a sink like her parents did. Its exactly the same thing but a different name. Like petrol and gas (USA)!!! [/i]
You also have this scenario:
[i]At uni, and later, I studied Communication (the real hardware and technical type), Electronics (the bits and pieces inside electronic equipment) and Programming (from machine language to higher multi generation packages). If a bunch of us were having a coffee and one asked the group at the table "What is a processor?" I would, according to the “search yourself” fan or Google expert, type approach, tell you to go and study it at uni.
What's wrong with me just telling you right there over a coffee with the rest of our mates listening what a processor is. They all may learn something.[/i]
Why don’t those, who can find the answer, just answer instead of basically saying nick off and don’t bother us now as we have more important things to read about. That’s how some people come across. If we all used Google and only read what had already been written then Google would not get any new information such as may happen if the situation was not exactly as was used in the “found” answers properties.
This is mainly directed at the multitude of
forum and internet specialist who believe the only way to live is out of the Google box.
How often as just passive readers of a thread do we just skip over the links. I do and I bet others do also. Why the hell would Bob, who is a highly qualified and widely experienced welder want to know about a processor. I bet he wouldn't follow the link. However, if you answer right there and then, this happens; "
Well bugger me" he says to himself, “That’s why I should keep the moisture away from that box. It’s got a processor in it!” That’s why!
I answer and if I know a relevant link I will give it.
Just my ramblings.