Victoria High Country - Seasonal Track Closures

Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 15:21

Life Member - Mike (SA)

Victoria – High Country – Seasonal Track Closures.

Many roads and tracks are closed to vehicle traffic each year by National Park Authorities.. These tracks are closed to vehicles for a number of reasons. For example - visitor safety, to maintain water quality’ and prevent erosion during the wetter months as rain and snow softens the tracks, making them vulnerable to damage.
Seasonal road closures generally operate from the long weekend in June through to the end of October, but may be extended due to seasonal conditions.

Parks Victoria have announced that the seasonal road closures for 2014 will commence Thursday 12 June 2014 (the Thursday after the Queen's Birthday long weekend in June) and finish on the 31 October 2014 (the Friday before the Melbourne Cup Day long weekend).

As mentioned previously in weekly ExplorOz Newsletter, some tracks have been subjected to early closures and some tracks’ closures will extend past the general closure period up until the end of November.

For a detailed maps of each park, and the tracks effected go to,-flood-and-other-closures/seasonal-road-closures2 .

On that page there is also a link to download (10 pages as a pdf) the alphabetical listing of each track and, the park in which it is situated. This an excellent resource for which Parks Victoria should be congratulated.

29th May, 2014.
Too little time in the bush!
VKS 737 Mobile 0230
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