Save space, weight and packing time with innovative Outdoor Gear products available from the ExplorOz
Shop. There are some great discounts available now, plus the extremely popular Pop-up Pooper is back in stock! Can't see what you're looking for? View the whole range of
Outdoor Gear.
![Tek Towel]()
Tek Towel
Pocket Towel and Tek Towel Microfibre Technology - Stop Carrying Bulky Towels!
Regular towels can be heavy and take up a large amount of packing space. These towels not only save space but are quick drying, perfect for when you don't have a lot of time for laundry. Made from microfibre, all towels come in their own carry bag and come in a variety of sizes, ideal for use as bath towels, beach towels, face washers, hand towels and tea towels. Now is the time to purchase with the entire
Sea to Summit Towel range included in our 25% Off Members Only Sale.
![Zip Cooking System]()
Zip Cooking System
Ultra Lightweight Portable Cooking Systems
Jetboil Cooking Systems are designed to hold all components within the cooking cup, making these items extremely easy to carry. There's even a Fluxring Frypan with folding handle available for use with the burner, giving you even more cooking options! Included in the Members Only sale, these products start at only $89.96!
![Booster 1 Stove]()
Booster 1 Stove
The Booster + 1 Stove - Now Half Price
The Booster + 1 Stove is a truly versatile and easy to operate multi-fuel stove with manual ignition. It can burn either butane or Shellite (liquid fuel) without changing the jet, and is ultra compact and lightweight. The Booster + 1 Stove is now 50% off RRP (down to only $147.50) but there is very limited stock available at this price, so get your order in quick!
![Folding Shovel]()
Folding Shovel
Folding Shovel and Pop-up Pooper Portable
ToiletThese innovative products are not only great value for money, they can save a huge amount of space when travelling. The Folding Shovel is strong yet compact - great for when you have limited storage space. Measuring 58cm in length when open, this shovel weighs only 930g and folds down into its own (included) carry bag.
![Pop-up Pooper]()
Pop-up Pooper
The Pop-up Pooper Portable
Toilet is a space saving alternative to a Porta Pottie. It folds down to be stored and transported in its own carry bag, and weighs only 2.5kg. The compatible biodegradable bags are suitable for burying (no need to find a
dump point) for a clean and simple
toilet solution when on the road.