Day 2 of Our Big Trip, the Simpson and south west Queensland

Thursday, Jun 25, 2015 at 17:09

Member - Matwil

Well it has been an eventful day in that nothing went as I had planned it. Decided to take a detour, as you can see from the EOTrackme page and thought I would get some photos along the Murray. I forgot the old bit of advice that I have gvewn others... before you change your route check to see how far it is as against the route you planned.... well it was 150klms further with not much view of the Murray and road works after road works. Some interesting towns but no time to stop and have a look. We willl have to make it our next trip.

The longest stop at road works was 15 minutes at a red light in the middle of no where and no traffic coming the other way. Anyway I have pitched the tent at Euston caravan park on the river and may get some sunrise shots in the morning... if I am up.

Well the tent is up and the the stretcher and sleeping bag in so now I am off to the pub for a beer and a counter dinner.

Tomorrow it is off to Adelaide.
Wanting to explore our vast wide land
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