ExplorOz Podcast Episode 14: Part 1 of 4 - Far North East Tasmania

Wednesday, Mar 06, 2024 at 19:43

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Episode 14 of the ExplorOz Podcast: Australian Offroad Adventures and Mapping Podcast.

Every journey has unforeseen twists; ours in Tasmania's Northeast was no exception. From the moment we set foot in Devonport, we were welcomed to an adventure teeming with wildlife encounters and majestic sunrises tempered with the real-life dramas of health scares and road mishaps. We break down our travel approach to embrace the Tasmanian landscape's splendour. Come along as we share tales from serene hikes to our camaraderie with locals like Rosie, who turned our mountain biking escapades into stories worth telling around the campfire.

Navigating the unexpected is part and parcel of any travel experience; ours came dressed as healthcare hurdles and navigating Launceston's one-way streets. A health concern for David led us into the arms of the Tasmanian healthcare system, revealing both its quirks and unexpected efficiency. During the back-to-school frenzy, the journey's comedic relief was found in pursuing a simple haircut. Then, a sudden car accident tested our reflexes and introduced us to the heartfelt support of the local community, serving as poignant reminders of the mindfulness required on unfamiliar roads.

Our episode wraps up with heart-pumping tales from Ben Lomond National Park's icy slopes to the mountain biking haven of Derby. While our camping misadventures range from managing overcrowded sites to containing an accidental fire near our campsite, these stories of setting up new camps and tearing down bike trails genuinely capture the essence of Tasmania's great outdoors. If you've ever longed to understand the bond between travellers, locals, and the land they explore, let our experiences from Tasmania's picturesque Northeast be your guide.

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David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Currently Mapping in the Field Across Australia Fulltime in 2023 - 2025
BlogID: 7842
Views: 977

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