7 days to go

Friday, Mar 05, 2010 at 16:24


Ooer.. it's almost upon me. (24 month trip around Aus, one man & a dog)
Vehicle: just finishing extra water tank install, extra storage shelves to do, compressor for Air System a problem (brackets need remodifying), then to pack everything I need in the vehicle for a looong trip; some electrical work to be checked and repaired. Inverter stuffed.
Camper: Sandblast & Paint job done - it's now Bright Blue ! , canvas to be reinstalled and proofed, new batteries to be installed, minor electrical work
Other packing: International Removers arrive Wed for stuff I want to keep for after the trip.

The detailed list is much longer, but it has to happen, or I'll turn into a pumpkin (ex gets the house) !

Nervous? You bet ! Excited? That too.

If only the temp would drop below 30C I'd get more done; might be working nights this week.
Doug & Dog
Bone Diggers
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"nobody said it had to be fair" (my Dad)
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