ExplorOz Newsletter - Issue 31

6th August, 2002. In this issue: Validate Your Email Address, Enhanced Features for Validated Users and ExplorOz Journal - FINISHED.
Dear ExplorOz Reader,

Validate your email address

We are currently asking for all recipients of our newsletters to re-confirm your email address in preparation for our latest system upgrade.

If you just received 2 emails from the ExplorOz system (check your inbox now), you are currently NOT validated and will not receive future newsletters until you validate. To do this, simply read the other email we have sent you and take the link in the message to validate your email address. (Alternatively, you can click on the link on the bottom of this email).

Why Validate?

In a few weeks time we will turn on a new site feature that will restrict usage of the interactive features on ExplorOz unless you have a "validated" email address. 

Interactive site features are: forum, trader, uhf repeater locations and fuel prices pages.

New site users can validate their email address at the time of interaction, but if they use an invalid email address they will be locked out. We will also be setting validation rules for new addresses added to our mailing list for receiving newsletters.

People such as yourselves, who are current users of ExplorOz and recipients of newsletters have the opportunity to validate now before the new restrictions are forced upon all users. In effect, we are gradually phasing in the new validation system by giving you advance warning.

Enhanced features for validated users

When you validate your email address on our system you will also have the opportunity to set up a user profile. 

User Profiles include the ability to set a forum screen name, a system password, auto logon and options for receiving this newsletter with a choice of plain text or html format (note - if you can read this newsletter with images then you can select html).

WOW - all that for free! Don't forget you can also become a Member - a great way to show your support and help keep this site alive and kicking!

ExplorOz Journal - FINISHED

The trip journal is now finished - but turned out to be 5 sections not 6. So, there's only one section you haven't read so here it is...

Kulgera to Perth


For those of you who haven't read our previous Trip Journals you can find them on the ExplorOz website under the Treks menu (Travel Journal). 

Every single major trek we have undertaken since 1998 is listed here with daily accounts and photos. Great inspiration!

Change of details?
Simply go to www.ExplorOz.com and look for the Mail List Box down the left of the page. Enter your old email address and hit the DEL button. Then in the same box, enter your new email address and hit ADD.

Regards from the ExplorOz Team in Perth, WA
Phone (08) 9403 3737
Fax (08) 9403 3738

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