Newsletter 372

Edition 372: 5th February 2015

Hi ExplorOz Reader,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter. In this issue, you'll find your invitation to view (and vote for) the photo entries to the Rustic Outback competition; we also feature two great points of view on Roof Top Tents. As always, we feature 3 products in our Super Specials - these items are heavily reduced but for a very limited time.

And, because the ExplorOz mobile site has been fast becoming almost as popular as our Full Site, we are only days away from releasing improvements and changes that we know many of you will find useful.

So, whichever way you ExplorOz - Enjoy!
Michelle, Adele, David

Random Prize Draw Winners

Congratulations to the following people who've picked up great prizes in our January contests. Prizes are awarded every month so look out for details and you could win too!

Recipes - Haminator posted the winning entry to the Pork & Ham category of our online Recipe book. He has scored a fantastic pair of Sunwise Supreme Sunglasses

Shop Product Review
- Member - Fiona & Paul are the winners of our $100 Gift Voucher. They posted a review for this product they picked up on Clearance Sale.

February is Drinks Month

What's your favourite drink/cocktail to make when camping? Do you make mulled wine, iced tea, Irish coffee, sangria, or do you have a nifty gadget like this power drill operated smoothie maker? Whatever your ideas, share them this month to the Drinks category in the ExplorOz Recipe system.

This month's random prize will be the wonderful Big Lap DVD Series, worth $35. More info

2015 Photo Comp

Over the past few months, ExplorOz Members have been uploading photographs on the theme "The Rustic Outback" to our 2015 Photo Comp. Entries have closed and now it's time to vote!
Visitors and Members can vote - just view the 2015 Photo Comp tagged blogs using the "Photo View" display option and you'll see each photo stacked on the screen. There are 130 photo entries with lots of variety in the representation of the Rustic Outback theme. Voting is anonymous but your opinion matters. Your vote allows us rank the photos in order of popularity, which will help our judges select the final winner. Please vote for the photo that you feel meets the following criteria:
  • best representation of the theme;
  • best suited to reproduction by hand-painting onto a saw blade.
The Member who owns the winning photograph will receive a prize from ExplorOz and their photo will form the inspiration for an artist to hand-paint the scene onto a saw blade that will become the major prize in the Raffle at the upcoming National Gathering in the NT in July 2015. Many thanks to Member - Sir Kev for coordinating this unique prize.

How to Give Star Ratings on Blog Photos

Did you know that any photo in blogs can be given a star rating? And any registered site user can vote! Just as in the photo comp, you need to change the display to "Photo View" to activate the star-rating option. This can only be done from the control panel at the top of the main blog home page. Here you have the option to "Find Blog" by selecting either a Member Name, or a Blog Tag. Below that are 2 Display Options - Index View and Photo View. Just click Photo View and you'll be able to start rating photos by hovering your mouse over any pic to leave a rating from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).

Mobile Internet - What People are Using

This popular topic has come up again in the ExplorOz forum this week. Technology is changing all the time so the original poster (OP) is asking what travellers are using for internet now. See Post 110941 in the ExplorOz Forum if you'd like to get involved in the discussion.

For further reading, you might also find our article Staying in Touch to hold useful tips and advice.

Members Thoughts on Roof-Top Tents

This week, two different viewpoints on Roof Top Tents have been presented by two very experienced ExplorOz Members. For anyone contemplating a roof top tent, this makes very balanced reading. Take a look at both these blogs and I'm sure they'd love to hear your thoughts too so feel welcome to add your comments:

Member - Idler Chris who loves his RTT
Member - Baz, The Landy who doesn't now he has a CT

Camps 8 Now Available

The latest edition of Camps Australia Wide - Camps 8 is released this week and our stock will be ready for deliveries on Friday.

Available in 3 popular formats:
Perfect Bound Paperback
Spiral bound
Mega B4 Hard Cover Spiral bound - with Camp Snaps

Members Bonus: Save up to $4.50


Get EOTopo on micro SD, USB, or download the files yourself.
NEW - iOS in-app purchase now available via Memory-Map, see EOTopo Help and FAQ.

Download maps (including free) - EOTopo Downloads Page
Full Product Description - EOTopo Description
Use EOTopo maps for free - EOTopo Online
Buy EOTopo - Go to Digital Maps - Australia wide in the ExplorOz Shop

This Weeks Super Specials


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