Hi ExplorOz Reader,Here's this week's ExplorOz newsletter - our 400th issue. As usual, you'll find it full of great travel ideas & practical tips to help you ExplorOz better.
Edition 400: 17th September 2015 Today's Super Specials
| Back in Stock
The Camping Guide to Australia – Spiral Bound is back in stock after being unavailable since April. This guide book contains listings for over 3,000 campsites complete with touring atlas. In addition, every purchase of this book comes with a free bonus book offer - which means you'll also receive the acclaimed “Outback – the Discovery of Australia’s
Interior” by Derek Parker, valued at $24.95. Available now from the ExplorOz shop. Members Price just $56.95 
 | GDT - New Edition
This atlas contains Hema's entire
Great Desert Tracks map series, while the guide features 25 4WD tracks,
each with its own detailed inset map showing the route taken, with GPS
locations and points of interest featured. Available now from the ExplorOz shop. Members Price just $56.95 
 | 2-3m ExplorOz Sandflag Kit - NEW
Announcing the new Simpson Desert compliant sand flag kit. We've sourced this locally made sand flag kit that ticks all the boxes for Explorers. Used on many mine sites, this kit has been customised for the ExplorOz market with an ExplorOz branded flag in addition to the standard reflective crossed orange mesh flag. The PVC encased fibreglass pole is customisable in length with a middle section that can be removed to make the flag 2m. The pole can be mounted to a roof rack/cargo rack at the shortened length or used at full length on the bull bar. For portability, the pole breaks down into 3x 1m sections and only weighs 1kg. Easy snap-on base included. Available now from the ExplorOz shop. Members price just $122.55. 
 | Travelling with Fruit
Fruit flies are insect pests that attack a wide range of fruit and vegetables globally. More than 80 species of fruit fly are found in Australia, including the native Queensland fruit fly (Q-fly), which is endemic in the eastern states and the Northern Territory, and the introduced Mediterranean
fruit fly (Med-fly), which is endemic in Western Australia. South Australia remains the only Australian mainland state that is fruit fly free. Other states have areas that are free of some species, with Kununurra being the only horticulture region in WA free from Med-fly. Of serious concern however has been the recent discovery of Medfly in DAFWA fruit fly
surveillance traps at 3 of the Kununurra caravan parks over winter this year. Travellers are vitally important in the prevention of Medfly reaching these important growing areas so please take quarantine seriously. You must dispose of all fresh fruit before reaching the Ord River Irrigation Area and be aware of additional temporary restrictions in place for Kununurra until 21st September. Some travellers find quarantine restrictions annoying and wasteful but they exist for very good reason. Produce exports are vital to the Australian economy but fruit fly can damage our export potential. The agriculture industry needs travellers help to prevent outbreaks of fruit fly to protect our economic viability in both domestic and international markets. Read More: Food, Water & Quarantine |
 | Classifieds Ad of the Week
Trailer Topaz Offroad Caravan: $65,000 ono. This offroad caravan is
very easy to tow and weighs 2tonne fully loaded. See the ad online for
extra details and photos. See: ExplorOz Classifieds - Caravans |
 | Best Campsite in Australia?
We recently received news from travellers that claimed they had found Australia's best campsite! When we looked this up, we were surprised to see no one had added any photos or put any reviews into Places about it. Of course, everyone's opinion differs and time of year plays a great part in what you experience when you visit a place but as a crowd-sourced compilation of traveller's photos and
reviews, we need your input! Please remember to share your photos and reviews after your trips by going into the Places pages. See our Listings of Campsites Can you add photos, reviews, or confirm facilities? |
 | Adding Photos/Reviews to Places
Using the search function on the Places index you should find a page exists for most places in Australia just by doing a look-up by name. However, did you know that there can be multiple Places for the same general area? Places are grouped into 8 simple classifications: And within these are 56 specific Types. We show icons for all 56 Place Types. So, sometimes whilst the name might appear to be the same, the TYPE of Place
will be different and of course, when you look at the map you'll find the positions will be different. Now you see why there's over 85,000 Places - genuine POIs that are relevant to your research. If you need help or wish
to contribute to the official text description panel for a Place -
please use the Alert Administrator button found in every Place page.