Newsletter 423


Edition 423: 4th March 2016

Hi ExplorOz Reader,

ExplorOz has been highly regarded and widely recognised as the leading online resource for the 4WD camping and caravanning industry for many years. But did you know that the core services we offer to the public are designed for Members-Only? Whilst you can freely use sections of the website and obtain useful and valuable content, we have reserved the best for those that purchase a subscription.

Members receive all 6 of the following entitlements:

1. discounts off all shop products
2. free GPS file downloads
3. free Classified Display ads
4. exclusive Member site tools
5. exclusive Member content
6. free tracking via EOTrackMe

Unlike most sites, every part of is custom-coded in-house, which provides a unique flexibility to take on suggestions and ideas from the Members. Every regular site user will benefit from Membership. If you're not a Member, then it's time to give it a try.

For more details about pricing and the full list of Member Entitlements, go here.


Anyone who has renewed their Membership Subscription within the last 3 months has been in the draw to win a Redarc Tow-Pro Elite Electric Trailer Brake Controller (worth $380) thanks to Redarc Electronics - our Membership Sponsor for 2015/16. So we are excited to announce that the winner of this great prize is Member - Glen P1

Winners are Grinners!

Pic Above: John B (NSW) winner of December's Prize Draw


Thanks to Redarc, we are once again offering a prize draw for anyone who renews their Membership Subscription within the next 3 months (1st March - 31st May 2016). Up for grabs is a Redarc 700W Pure Sine Wave Inverter, worth $895.

Most of you will know that one of the benefits of ExplorOz Membership is the ability to "download" free GPS data from Trek Notes & Places, however we sometimes notice that people get confused by what it is that you are actually downloading.

When you click the download button you will get a choice of file format. Each of the options is a data format for use in mapping software (eg. OziExplorer), or in a GPS/Navigator (eg. Hema Navigator, Garmin etc). Many navigators can utilise the GPX format but if you're downloading to use in OziExplorer you can select the Ozi format; likewise if using a Hema Navigator select the Hema Navigator format. Downloading the file stores it onto your computer, and you can then move the file from there to any other device. You will need to have navigation software installed on the navigation device to use these files.

NOTE: The file you receive is not a document. There is nothing to read. If instead, you want to download trek notes as pages to read offline, all you have to do is PRINT (not DOWNLOAD). When you use the print button you can select the XPS or PDF printer option. This expands all information on the webpage (including Places) and saves an offline copy for you to read on your computer.


Members renewing/joining this year will soon be receiving a NEW Member-only bumper sticker, as shown below. These stickers will now be issued in place of a Membership Card and if displayed on your vehicle will distinguish you as a Member. The standard sticker will still be available via the shop, but the Membership sticker is exclusive to subscribers only and includes your Membership status (year or Lifetime). Unfortunately, there have been unexpected delays in mailing these out to this year's new/renewing Members but these will soon be packaged and sent by mail and should be within you by the end of the month. We hope you like this change! Don't forget to renew and go in the draw to win the Redarc prize!

Personal Membership Subscription
Annual Membership
Lifetime Membership
Lifetime Membership
Membership Renewal
Membership Renewal

Our newsletter is distributed to 52,557 subscribers on a weekly basis.
ExplorOz ® is owned and managed by I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd.

This email was sent from
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd. Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA

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