Gregory's Tree Cairn - NT

  Tourist Attraction


DEG: -15.59717 130.353394
DMS: 15º 35' 49.81" S 130º 21' 12.22" E
UTM: 52 L 8275162mN 645100mE
Altitude: 28m


Address & Contact

Victoria Highway
Gregory`s Tree Reserve
Timber Creek
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


The Gregory's Tree Cairn is situated on the Victoria Highway at the entrance of the road which leads for a further 3.8km to Gregory's Tree Reserve. It gives details of Augustus Gregory's expedition of 1855 - 1856. Gregory`s Tree has historical and social significance as it is a living monument to the exploration of the North of Australia, in particular the North Australia Expedition led Gregory in 1855-56.In 1855 the explorer Augustus C. Gregory, who was financially backed by the Colonial Office to explore the area, sailed from Moreton Bay around the coast of Queensland and the Northern Territory and up the estuary of the Victoria River.Gregory`s boat was wrecked at the site of Timber Creek. It is claimed that Gregory named the site Timber Creek after he had cut some timber to repair the hole in his vessel. The boab tree marks the area of Gregory`s 'entrenchment camp' from October 1855 to July 1856, and still bears inscriptions noting the date of arrival and departure from the camp. On July 2, 1856 Gregory left an inscription on the tree (so-called Gregory's Tree), indicating where he left a letter in case the expedition team should get lost. Turning east, the party explored the Elsey, Roper and Macarthur Rivers, then travelled back to Brisbane by way of the Flinders, Burdekin, Fitzroy and Burnett Rivers. They reached Brisbane on 16 December 1856.
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Closest Weather Station

Bradshaw at 14/02:00am CST
Distance from Gregory's Tree Cairn 87.79km NE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Timber Creek
Distance from Gregory's Tree Cairn 15.39km SE
Mean Max. °C35.935.135.435.232.930.330.632.936.538.338.437.2
Mean Min. °C25.024.623.521.118.215.314.815.820.624.025.125.4
Mean Rain mm227.6232.9162.330.

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