Gnamma Hole - WA

  Tourist Attraction


DEG: -24.715771 116.933395
DMS: 24º 42' 56.77" S 116º 56' 0.22" E
UTM: 50 J 7266522mN 493264mE
Altitude: 450.15m


Address & Contact

Landor-Mount Augustus Rd
Gascoyne River WA 6705
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A


The origin and development of gnammas is not known with any certainty but it is thought that they were initially formed through weathering of faults in granite which Aboriginal people then enlarged by using fire. Gnammas can vary in depth from a few centimetres up to 10 metres and their maintenance was of prime importance to Aboriginal people who relied on the water contained in them for their survival. The Ballardong freely shared their knowledge of the land and the location of gnammas and springs with explorers.

The Oak Park walk trail winds through the reserve for 3km in two loops which both start at the picnic area. The signs along the trail will tell you about the wetlands, granite outcrops and bush that you pass. The signs also provide information about the lives of the traditional owners of the land, the Ballardong people, as well as the settlers who arrived from 1899. One of the seats along the walk trail has a bough shelter over it which was carefully crafted by an Aboriginal Elder in 2008. The Oak Park picnic area has a BBQ, covered seating and a long drop toilet. Overnight stays are permitted.
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Closest Weather Station

Gascoyne Junction at 20/09:00am WST
Distance from Gnamma Hole 177.75km W
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Gascoyne Junction
Distance from Gnamma Hole 177.75km W
Mean Max. °C40.739.737.532.827.723.823.024.928.332.335.338.7
Mean Min. °C23.924.422.518.613.810.59.310.012.015.518.121.3
Mean Rain mm24.029.828.714.727.631.627.412.

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